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Resolve patent encumbrance status of Falcon #3

Open James-E-A opened 8 months ago

James-E-A commented 8 months ago


James-E-A commented 8 months ago

Second verse, same as the first?

To: The Falcon Project
Sent: January 9, 2024 4:24 PM CST
Subject: Question about patent license for Falcon

I've got a quick technical question about the patent license promised if Falcon was selected for NIST standardization.

The IP statement said that a gratis patent license would be furnished under "reasonable" terms. I'm wondering what those terms are; were they ever specified?

Did you intend the reference implementation's MIT license to include an implied patent license?

Thanks in advance for any clarification,

James-E-A commented 8 months ago

Second verse, same as the first?

Posting an update for the record: things are very much NOT as simple in this case. There are outstanding questions to be resolved regarding patent licenses for Falcon. (I normally publish responses to inquiries like these for public interest, but the actual response I got in this case was too sensitive to publish in good conscience.)

Until further notice, it is MATERIALLY CORRECT to consider Falcon patent-encumbered.

(I'm leaving this issue "open" as a reminder to myself to go resolve those questions and get the patent licensed for general use so I can remove that stupid warning.)