This one requires a bit more description. The cross compile don't fail, and I still have not tried running the shader for real. But the result worries me. So here goes:
And the problem, the D3D ASM does:
lt r1.x, l(0.250980), r1.x
and r0.xyzw, r0.xyzw, r1.xxxx
I imagine that the result of "lt" is either 0xFFFFFFFFU or 0x0U. When doing "and" with a float, it will either set the float to 0.0f or keep it as it was.
While the GLSL does:
Temp1_uint.x = ((0.250980)< (Temp1.x)) ? 1u : 0u;
Temp0_int = ivec4(ivec4(Temp0) & ivec4(Temp1_uint).xxxx);
Here are a few problems:
First the result of the conditional assignment is either 0x1U or 0x0U. Additionally perhaps a "bvec4 b = lessThan(x, y)" would be better than a uvec4 b = a < b ? (uint) -1 : 0? Perhaps it doesn't matter, but the result should be max_uint, not 1.
At the second line, the floats in Temp0 is converted to ints. An "floatBitsToInt()" would reinterpret the floats correctly, and then an "intBitsToFloat()" back to store the result.
Another small issue (which is probably fine) is that the and in the cross compiler don't keep uints, it seems to require values to be casted to ints. This is fine if the resulting value is not supposed to be casted back to a float.
This one requires a bit more description. The cross compile don't fail, and I still have not tried running the shader for real. But the result worries me. So here goes:
The HLSL fragment program: struct v2p { float3 Tex0 : TEXCOORD0; float2 BlendWeights : TEXCOORD1; float2 Tex1 : TEXCOORD2; }; sampler2D Texture : register(s0) : register(t0); void main( in v2p In, out float4 Out : COLOR0 ) { float4 TopLeftTex = tex2D( Texture, In.Tex0.xz ); float4 TopRightTex = tex2D( Texture, In.Tex0.yz ); float4 BottomTex = tex2D( Texture, In.Tex1 ); float alphaBlendLeft = TopLeftTex.a * ( 1.h - In.BlendWeights.x ); float alphaBlendRight = TopRightTex.a * In.BlendWeights.x; float bottom_alpha = BottomTex.a * In.BlendWeights.y; const float blendThreshold = 0.250980392h; Out = bottom_alpha > blendThreshold ? BottomTex : ( alphaBlendLeft > blendThreshold ) ? TopLeftTex : ( alphaBlendRight > blendThreshold ) ? TopRightTex : 0.h; }
The D3D ASM: ps_5_0 dcl_globalFlags refactoringAllowed dcl_sampler s0, mode_default dcl_resource_texture2d (float,float,float,float) t0 dcl_input_ps linear dcl_input_ps linear v1.xy dcl_input_ps linear dcl_output o0.xyzw dcl_temps 3 sample_indexable(texture2d)(float,float,float,float) r0.xyzw, v0.yzyy, t0.xyzw, s0 mul r1.x, r0.w, v1.x lt r1.x, l(0.250980), r1.x and r0.xyzw, r0.xyzw, r1.xxxx add r1.x, -v1.x, l(1.000000) sample_indexable(texture2d)(float,float,float,float) r2.xyzw, v0.xzxx, t0.xyzw, s0 mul r1.x, r1.x, r2.w lt r1.x, l(0.250980), r1.x movc r0.xyzw, r1.xxxx, r2.xyzw, r0.xyzw sample_indexable(texture2d)(float,float,float,float) r1.xyzw, v1.zwzz, t0.xyzw, s0 mul r2.x, r1.w, v1.y lt r2.x, l(0.250980), r2.x movc o0.xyzw, r2.xxxx, r1.xyzw, r0.xyzw ret
The converted GLSL program:
version 410
struct vec1 { float x; }; struct uvec1 { uint x; }; struct ivec1 { int x; }; subroutine void SubroutineType(); uniform sampler2D Texture; layout(location = 0) in vec4 VtxGeoOutput0; vec4 Input0; layout(location = 1) in vec4 VtxGeoOutput1; vec4 Input1; layout(location = 0) out vec4 PixOutput0;
define Output0 PixOutput0
vec4 Temp0; ivec4 Temp0_int; uvec4 Temp0_uint; vec4 Temp1; ivec4 Temp1_int; uvec4 Temp1_uint; vec4 Temp2; ivec4 Temp2_int; uvec4 Temp2_uint; void main() { Input0 = VtxGeoOutput0; Input1 = VtxGeoOutput1; Input1 = VtxGeoOutput1; Temp0 = (texture(Texture, Input0.yz)); Temp1.x = Temp0.w * Input1.x; Temp1_uint.x = ((0.250980)< (Temp1.x)) ? 1u : 0u; Temp0_int = ivec4(ivec4(Temp0) & ivec4(Temp1_uint).xxxx); Temp1.x = -Input1.x + 1.000000; Temp2 = (texture(Texture, Input0.xz)); Temp1.x = Temp1.x * Temp2.w; Temp1_uint.x = ((0.250980)< (Temp1.x)) ? 1u : 0u; if(vec4(Temp1_uint.xxxx).x != 0) { Temp0 = Temp2; } else { Temp0 = Temp0_int; } Temp1 = (texture(Texture,; Temp2.x = Temp1.w * Input1.y; Temp2_uint.x = ((0.250980)< (Temp2.x)) ? 1u : 0u; if(vec4(Temp2_uint.xxxx).x != 0) { Output0 = Temp1; } else { Output0 = Temp0; } return; }
And the problem, the D3D ASM does: lt r1.x, l(0.250980), r1.x and r0.xyzw, r0.xyzw, r1.xxxx
I imagine that the result of "lt" is either 0xFFFFFFFFU or 0x0U. When doing "and" with a float, it will either set the float to 0.0f or keep it as it was.
While the GLSL does: Temp1_uint.x = ((0.250980)< (Temp1.x)) ? 1u : 0u; Temp0_int = ivec4(ivec4(Temp0) & ivec4(Temp1_uint).xxxx);
Here are a few problems: