James-Yu / LaTeX-Workshop

Boost LaTeX typesetting efficiency with preview, compile, autocomplete, colorize, and more.
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Run on save is not reliably working #2720

Closed tobiasdiez closed 3 years ago

tobiasdiez commented 3 years ago

Preliminary questions [Required]

Disable all the other extensions except for LaTeX Workshop, restart VS Code, and check that you still see this issue. [Required]

You still see this issue?: Yes

Make sure to visit the wiki FAQ before filling an issue.

You visited the wiki?: Yes

If your issue is with compiling a document (not having to do with finding the root file of a project), check first that you can compile manually.

You can compile a TeX document manually?: Yes

Describe the bug [Required]

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Activate the option to build on save.
Make changes to document, and save.
Sometimes, nothing happens and one has to trigger the build manually.

It's sadly not reproducible, but occurs often enough to be really annoying. I've already reported this issue once before at https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop/issues/2514, but the conversation there is locked so I cannot add the information there.

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Compile latex automatically on save.

Logs [Required]

Please paste the whole log messages here, not parts of ones. The log should start with Initializing LaTeX Workshop. It is very important to identify problems.

LaTeX Workshop Output [Required]

[11:49:24] Initializing LaTeX Workshop.
[11:49:24] Extension root: c:\Users\Tobias\.vscode\extensions\james-yu.latex-workshop-8.18.0
[11:49:24] $PATH: C:\Program Files\BellSoft\LibericaJDK-14\bin\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\bin\;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts\;C:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\;C:\Ruby27-x64\bin;C:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\texlive\2020\bin\win32;C:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Local\Yarn\bin;C:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Roaming\npm
[11:49:24] $SHELL: undefined
[11:49:24] latex-workshop.intellisense.update.aggressive.enabled: false
[11:49:24] latex-workshop.intellisense.update.delay: 1000
[11:49:24] Creating PDF file watcher.
[11:49:24] watcherOptions: {"useFsEvents":false,"usePolling":false,"interval":300,"binaryInterval":1000,"awaitWriteFinish":{}}
[11:49:24] Creating LaTeX Workshop http and websocket server.
[11:49:24] LaTeX Workshop initialized.
[11:49:24] Trigger characters for intellisense of LaTeX documents: ["\\","{",",","(","["]
[11:49:24] Bibtex format config: {"tab":"  ","case":"lowercase","left":"{","right":"}","trailingComma":false,"sort":["key"],"alignOnEqual":true,"sortFields":false,"fieldsOrder":[]}
[11:49:24] Current workspace folders: ["file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections","file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic","file:///d:/Research","file:///c:/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl"]
[11:49:24] Current workspaceRootDir: file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections
[11:49:24] Found root file from active editor: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:25] Root file changed: from undefined to d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:25] Start to find all dependencies.
[11:49:25] Root file languageId: latex
[11:49:25] Creating a new file watcher for d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:25] watcherOptions: {"useFsEvents":false,"usePolling":false,"interval":300,"binaryInterval":1000,"awaitWriteFinish":{"stabilityThreshold":250}}
[11:49:25] Creating Bib file watcher.
[11:49:25] watcherOptions: {"useFsEvents":false,"usePolling":false,"interval":300,"binaryInterval":1000,"awaitWriteFinish":{"stabilityThreshold":250}}
[11:49:25] Parsing a file and its subfiles: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:25] Found .bib file: D:\Research\A_Central\Latex\bibtex\bib\Literature.bib
[11:49:25] Added to bib file watcher: D:\Research\A_Central\Latex\bibtex\bib\Literature.bib
[11:49:25] Parsing .bib entries from D:\Research\A_Central\Latex\bibtex\bib\Literature.bib
[11:49:25] Parse fls file.
[11:49:25] Fls file found: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.fls
[11:49:25] Parse aux file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\Output\DR_symplecticConnections.aux
[11:49:25] Linter for root file started.
[11:49:25] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:25] Server created on
[11:49:25] Added to file watcher: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:25] Added to file watcher: d:\Research\A_Central\Latex\tex\generic\MyClass.cls
[11:49:25] Added to file watcher: d:\Research\.git\gitHeadInfo.gin
[11:49:25] Added to file watcher: d:\Research\A_Central\Latex\tex\generic\MyBiblatexDataModel.dbx
[11:49:25] Added to file watcher: c:\Users\Tobias\.texlive2020\texmf-var\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\mathabx\mathc10.544pk
[11:49:25] Added to file watcher: c:\Users\Tobias\.texlive2020\texmf-var\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\mathabx\mathc10.890pk
[11:49:25] Added to file watcher: c:\Users\Tobias\.texlive2020\texmf-var\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\mathabx\mathc10.742pk
[11:49:25] Added to file watcher: c:\Users\Tobias\.texlive2020\texmf-var\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\mathabx\mathc10.677pk
[11:49:25] Snippet data loaded.
[11:49:25] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 127ms
[11:49:25] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:49:25] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:49:27] Parsed 1192 bib entries from D:\Research\A_Central\Latex\bibtex\bib\Literature.bib.
[11:49:27] Linter for root file started.
[11:49:27] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:27] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 107ms
[11:49:27] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:49:27] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:49:27] Cannot parse a TeX file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:27] Fall back to regex-based completion.
[11:49:27] Checking for duplicate labels: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex.
[11:49:28] Linter for active file started.
[11:49:28] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:49:28] File watcher - file changed: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:28] Parsing a file and its subfiles: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:28] Found .bib file: D:\Research\A_Central\Latex\bibtex\bib\Literature.bib
[11:49:28] Parse fls file.
[11:49:28] Fls file found: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.fls
[11:49:28] Parse aux file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\Output\DR_symplecticConnections.aux
[11:49:28] Auto build started detecting the change of a file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:28] BUILD command invoked.
[11:49:28] The document of the active editor: file:///d%3A/Research/Publications%20and%20talks/2019%20-%20Symplectic%20connections/DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:28] The languageId of the document: latex
[11:49:28] Building root file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:28] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 140ms
[11:49:28] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:49:28] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:49:28] Build root file d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:28] Found BIB program by magic comment: biber
[11:49:28] Recipe step 1: latexmk, -synctex=1,-interaction=nonstopmode,-file-line-error,-pdf,-bibtex,-r,D:\Research\.latexmkrc,-auxdir=Output,d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections/DR_symplecticConnections
[11:49:28] Recipe step env: {}
[11:49:28] cwd: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections
[11:49:28] LaTeX build process spawned. PID: 8976.
[11:49:29] Cannot parse a TeX file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:29] Fall back to regex-based completion.
[11:49:29] Checking for duplicate labels: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex.
[11:49:29] VIEW command invoked with mode: external.
[11:49:29] Current workspace folders: ["file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections","file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic","file:///d:/Research","file:///c:/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl"]
[11:49:29] Current workspaceRootDir: file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections
[11:49:29] Found root file from active editor: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:29] Keep using the same root file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:29] Execute the external PDF viewer: command C:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Local\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe, args -forward-search,%TEX%,%LINE%,-reuse-instance,-inverse-search,"C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\cli.js" -r -g "%f:%l",d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.pdf
[11:49:29] Open external viewer for d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.pdf
[11:50:12] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:12] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:12] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 71ms
[11:50:12] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:12] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:13] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:13] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:14] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 82ms
[11:50:14] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:14] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:14] LaTeX log parsed with 13 messages.
[11:50:14] Recipe of length 1 finished. PID: 8976.
[11:50:14] Successfully built d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex.
[11:50:14] No PDF viewer connected for d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.pdf
[11:50:14] Parse fls file.
[11:50:14] Fls file found: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.fls
[11:50:14] Parse aux file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\Output\DR_symplecticConnections.aux
[11:50:16] Current workspace folders: ["file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections","file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic","file:///d:/Research","file:///c:/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl"]
[11:50:16] Current workspaceRootDir: file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections
[11:50:16] Current workspace folders: ["file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections","file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic","file:///d:/Research","file:///c:/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl"]
[11:50:16] Current workspaceRootDir: file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2013 - Master Thesis\mathHeader.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\indexHolonomy.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2013 - Master Thesis\titlepage-alex.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2013 - Master Thesis\Titlepage.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2013 - Master Thesis\titlepage-tobi.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\Applications\RiemannianImmersions.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\introduction.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Coadjoint orbits Sp\Coadjoint orbits Sp.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexManifolds\LocallyConvexManifoldsChapter.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexLieGroups\StabilizerSubgroup.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexManifolds\FibreBundle.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexLieGroups\PrincipalLieSubgroup.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexManifolds\NormalFormMapNotNeeded.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexManifolds\PrincipalBundle.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexManifolds\NormalFormMap.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexLieGroups\TangentLieGroup.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexManifolds\Submanifolds.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexManifolds\VectorBundle.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexLieGroups\OrbitTypes.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\Paper template.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Singular Cotangent Bundle Reduction Talk - Antwerpen\Antwerpen.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\LocallyConvexLieGroups\LieGroupsChapter.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\Topology\ProperMaps.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\Introduction.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\LieGroup.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\index.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\HodgeStarProductManifold.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\header.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\frechet.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Singular cotangent bundle reduction\DR-singular cotangent bundle.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\exampleDemonstrator.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\example2.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\LocallyConvexManifolds.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2021 - Group-valued momentum map Talk - Poisson\GroupValuedMomentumMapTalk.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\example1.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\Erklärung.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\diff-index.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\ClassicalFieldTheory.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\LocallyConvexSpaces.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\declaration.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\Chapter - Gauge.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DarbouxTheoremWeinsteinCharts.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\MappingSpace.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\Summary.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\Teichmueller.fls
[11:50:16] Fls file found: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\test.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Kuranishi structures Talk\KuranishiStructuresTalk.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\MorningReport\TODO\styleGuidlines.fls
[11:50:16] Fls file found: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.fls
[11:50:16] Found root file from '.fls': d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex
[11:50:16] Root file changed: from undefined to d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex
[11:50:16] Start to find all dependencies.
[11:50:16] Root file languageId: latex
[11:50:16] Root file changed -> cleaning up old file watcher.
[11:50:16] Creating a new file watcher for d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex
[11:50:16] watcherOptions: {"useFsEvents":false,"usePolling":false,"interval":300,"binaryInterval":1000,"awaitWriteFinish":{"stabilityThreshold":250,"pollInterval":100}}
[11:50:16] Parsing a file and its subfiles: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex
[11:50:16] Found .bib file: D:\Research\A_Central\Latex\bibtex\bib\Literature.bib
[11:50:16] Parse fls file.
[11:50:16] Fls file found: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.fls
[11:50:16] Parse aux file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\Output\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.aux
[11:50:16] Linter for root file started.
[11:50:16] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex
[11:50:16] Added to file watcher: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex
[11:50:16] Added to file watcher: d:\Research\A_Central\Latex\tex\generic\MyClass.cls
[11:50:16] Added to file watcher: d:\Research\.git\gitHeadInfo.gin
[11:50:16] Added to file watcher: d:\Research\A_Central\Latex\tex\generic\MyBiblatexDataModel.dbx
[11:50:16] Added to file watcher: c:\Users\Tobias\.texlive2020\texmf-var\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\mathabx\mathc10.408pk
[11:50:16] Added to file watcher: c:\Users\Tobias\.texlive2020\texmf-var\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\mathabx\mathc10.544pk
[11:50:16] Added to file watcher: c:\Users\Tobias\.texlive2020\texmf-var\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\mathabx\mathc10.742pk
[11:50:16] Added to file watcher: c:\Users\Tobias\.texlive2020\texmf-var\fonts\pk\ljfour\public\bbm\bbm12.600pk
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\Paper template.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Reviews\2021 - Kirillov - Classification of coadjoint orbits for symplectomorphism groups of surfaces\Kirillov2021.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Phd Defense Talk\PhdDefense.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DarbouxTheoremWeinsteinCharts.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Holonomy map\D_Holonomy.fls
[11:50:16] Cannot find fls file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Singular cotangent bundle reduction\DR-singular cotangent bundle.fls
[11:50:16] Fls file found: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.fls
[11:50:16] Found root file from '.fls': d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex
[11:50:16] Keep using the same root file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex
[11:50:16] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 94ms
[11:50:16] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:16] Linter log parsed with 10 messages.
[11:50:17] Checking for duplicate labels: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2020 - Normal form of equivariant maps\DR - Normal form equivariant maps.tex.
[11:50:20] Current workspace folders: ["file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections","file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic","file:///d:/Research","file:///c:/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl"]
[11:50:20] Current workspaceRootDir: file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections
[11:50:20] Found root file from active editor: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:50:20] Keep using the same root file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:50:20] Linter for root file started.
[11:50:20] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:50:20] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 79ms
[11:50:20] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:20] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:37] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:37] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:37] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 73ms
[11:50:37] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:38] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:41] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:41] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:41] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 77ms
[11:50:41] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:41] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:42] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:42] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:42] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 73ms
[11:50:42] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:42] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:43] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:43] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:43] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 75ms
[11:50:43] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:43] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:43] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:43] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:43] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 85ms
[11:50:43] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:43] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:45] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:45] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:45] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 72ms
[11:50:45] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:45] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:45] Linter for root file started.
[11:50:45] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:50:45] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 106ms
[11:50:45] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:45] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:50:46] Linter for active file started.
[11:50:46] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:50:46] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 73ms
[11:50:46] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:50:46] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:51:59] Linter for active file started.
[11:51:59] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:51:59] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 71ms
[11:51:59] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:51:59] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:01] Linter for active file started.
[11:52:01] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:52:01] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 73ms
[11:52:01] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:01] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:01] Linter for active file started.
[11:52:01] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:52:01] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 75ms
[11:52:01] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:01] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:04] Linter for active file started.
[11:52:04] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:52:04] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 73ms
[11:52:04] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:04] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:05] Linter for active file started.
[11:52:05] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:52:05] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 71ms
[11:52:05] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:05] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:06] Linter for active file started.
[11:52:06] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:52:06] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 81ms
[11:52:06] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:06] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:13] Linter for active file started.
[11:52:13] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:52:13] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 71ms
[11:52:13] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:13] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:14] Linter for root file started.
[11:52:14] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:52:14] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 79ms
[11:52:14] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:14] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:15] Linter for active file started.
[11:52:15] Linter for active file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-I0,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m

[11:52:15] Linter for active file successfully finished in 0s 70ms
[11:52:15] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:15] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:52:39] Current workspace folders: ["file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections","file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic","file:///d:/Research","file:///c:/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl"]
[11:52:39] Current workspaceRootDir: file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections
[11:52:39] Found root file from active editor: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:52:39] Keep using the same root file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:52:39] Linter for root file started.
[11:52:39] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:52:40] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 72ms
[11:52:40] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:52:40] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:56:34] LOG command invoked: default
[11:56:36] LOG command invoked: default
[11:56:37] LOG command invoked: compiler
[11:56:37] Current workspace folders: ["file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections","file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic","file:///d:/Research","file:///c:/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl"]
[11:56:37] Current workspaceRootDir: file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections
[11:56:37] Found root file from active editor: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:56:37] Keep using the same root file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:56:37] Linter for root file started.
[11:56:37] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:56:37] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 75ms
[11:56:37] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:56:37] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.
[11:56:38] LOG command invoked: default
[11:56:38] Current workspace folders: ["file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections","file:///d:/Research/A_Central/Latex/tex/generic","file:///d:/Research","file:///c:/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl","file:///c:/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/cwl"]
[11:56:38] Current workspaceRootDir: file:///d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections
[11:56:38] Found root file from active editor: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:56:38] Keep using the same root file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:56:38] Linter for root file started.
[11:56:38] Linter for root file running command chktex with arguments -wall,-n1,-n3,-n18,-n22,-n24,-n30,-n46,-l,D:\Research\chktexrc,-q,-f%f:%l:%c:%d:%k:%n:%m
,d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:56:38] Linter for root file successfully finished in 0s 74ms
[11:56:38] TabSize not found in the .chktexrc file: D:\Research\chktexrc
[11:56:38] Linter log parsed with 37 messages.

Each of the linter blocks at the end are added when I save the document; so you see that this trigger at least works - but no recompilation is triggered.

Developer Tools Console [Required]

electron/js2c/renderer_init.js:61 The vm module of Node.js is deprecated in the renderer process and will be removed.
t._load @ electron/js2c/renderer_init.js:61
log.ts:290  WARN Ignoring the error while validating workspace folder file:///c%3A/Users/Tobias/AppData/Roaming/Sublime%20Text%203/Packages/User/cwl - Unable to resolve non-existing file 'c:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\cwl'
event.ts:487 [58d] potential listener LEAK detected, having 175 listeners already. MOST frequent listener (1):
check @ event.ts:487
event.ts:488     at file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:58:58523
    at file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:58:61006
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at Object.N [as toPromise] (file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:58:60987)
    at _.whenInitialized (file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:76:4475)
    at file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:76:2720
    at w (file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:68:11210)
    at file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:76:2710
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at _.requestPromise (file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:76:2252)
    at Object.call (file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:76:1941)
    at file:///C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:76:7092
check @ event.ts:488
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] (node:5952) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.(Use `Code --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
S @ console.ts:137
log.ts:290  WARN Ignoring the error while validating workspace folder file:///c%3A/Users/Tobi/AppData/Roaming/Sublime%20Text%203/Packages/User/cwl - Unable to resolve non-existing file 'c:\Users\Tobi\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\cwl'
log.ts:290  WARN Ignoring the error while validating workspace folder file:///c%3A/Users/tdiez/AppData/Roaming/Sublime%20Text%203/Packages/User/cwl - Unable to resolve non-existing file 'c:\Users\tdiez\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\cwl'
3console.ts:137 [IPC Library: File Watcher (nsfw)] Unhandled Promise Rejection:  Error: Path must be a valid path to a file or a directory.
    at buildNSFW (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\node_modules.asar\nsfw\js\src\index.js:73:11)
S @ console.ts:137
abstractExtensionService.ts:802 [ms-vscode.powershell]: Command `workbench.action.positionPanelLeft` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
abstractExtensionService.ts:802 [ms-vscode.powershell]: Command `workbench.action.positionPanelBottom` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
TMScopeRegistry.ts:45 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope source.java.
Old grammar file: file:///c%3A/Program%20Files/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/extensions/java/syntaxes/java.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///c%3A/Users/Tobias/.vscode/extensions/redhat.java-0.79.2/syntaxes/java.tmLanguage.json
register @ TMScopeRegistry.ts:45
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Congratulations, your extension "ActivityWatch" is now active!
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Bucket already exists
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] rejected promise not handled within 1 second: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'c:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\cwl'
S @ console.ts:137
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] stack trace: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'c:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\cwl'
S @ console.ts:137
log.ts:296   ERR ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'c:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\cwl': Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'c:\Users\Tobias\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\cwl'
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Express server listening on port: 59586
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] using default c:\Users\Tobias\.vscode\extensions\vsciot-vscode.vscode-arduino-0.4.3\out\node_modules\usb-detection\build\Release\detection.node
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] using default c:\Users\Tobias\.vscode\extensions\vsciot-vscode.vscode-arduino-0.4.3\out\node_modules\@serialport\bindings\build\Release\bindings.node
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat Objectdata: file: "d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex"language: "latex"project: "/d:/Research/Publications and talks/2019 - Symplectic connections"__proto__: Objectduration: 0timestamp: "2021-05-26T09:58:54.958Z"__proto__: Object
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat {timestamp: "2021-05-26T09:59:26.260Z", duration: 0, data: {…}}
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat {timestamp: "2021-05-26T09:59:30.254Z", duration: 0, data: {…}}
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] Sent heartbeat {timestamp: "2021-05-26T09:59:32.651Z", duration: 0, data: {…}}

The heartbeat object at the end is added when I save.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop [Required]

Please write exact version numbers. Please don't write latest instead of exact numbers.

Additional questions

Are you using VSCodium?


Are you using LaTeX Workshop with VS Code Remote?


If the answer is Yes, please write which one you are using. Write the versions of the remote extension.

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

jlelong commented 3 years ago

Based on your logs

[11:49:28] Auto build started detecting the change of a file: d:\Research\Publications and talks\2019 - Symplectic connections\DR_symplecticConnections.tex
[11:49:28] BUILD command invoked.

I think you use latex-workshop.latex.autoBuild.run: onFileChange and not onSave, see https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop/wiki/Compile#auto-build-latex. This is why you do not see any build triggered within the linter blocks in your logs.

I am not sure to properly understand the core issue in your problem. Does it happen that you save a modified .tex file and yet no build is triggered? Could this be related to https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop/wiki/FAQ#auto-build-does-not-work-sometimes?

tobiasdiez commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I had indeed "onFileChanged" instead of "onSave". After changing to "onSave" a build is indeed triggered. Strangely, if I change it back to "onFileChanged" it is no longer working.

Does it happen that you save a modified .tex file and yet no build is triggered?

Yes, it happens while working on a tex file: Save > Make changes > Save. So there seems to be a problem with the algorithm that detects if there are changes. I don't use OneDrive or another file sync for this file/folder; everything is managed via git.

jlelong commented 3 years ago

File changes are detected by the chokidar file watcher. We do not do anything inside the extension about it.

This may be related to #2053. To put it short, some git operations change the inodes of the files it acts on. This results in the new files not being watched. The solution is to set latex-workshop.latex.watch.usePolling: true.

tobiasdiez commented 3 years ago

The solution is to set latex-workshop.latex.watch.usePolling: true.

This together with "onFileChange" is still not working, so I guess the problem is lying somewhere else.

jlelong commented 3 years ago

Strange. Just to make sure, when changing latex-workshop.latex.watch.usePolling: true, you have to restart VSCode.

tamuratak commented 3 years ago

We have added fixes. Please open a new issue if you still see the issue after the next release.