James-Yu / LaTeX-Workshop

Boost LaTeX typesetting efficiency with preview, compile, autocomplete, colorize, and more.
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auto build does not work on onFileChange #3759

Closed Will-Zhao0 closed 1 year ago

Will-Zhao0 commented 1 year ago

Please fill the following fields with a star (*) and provide as much related information as possible.


Please change the following [ ] to [x] for confirmation.

  • [ ] The issue has not been reported in this repository.
  • [ ] The issue remains after disabling all other extensions and restarting Visual Studio Code.
  • [ ] The FAQ cannot address the issue.
  • [ ] The issue is not related to compiling a document, or the document can be successfully compiled in the OS terminal but not in Visual Studio Code with this extension.


Please write exact version numbers instead of descriptors such as latest.

  • Operating System: [e.g. Windows 10]
  • Visual Studio Code Version: [e.g. 1.41.0]
  • LaTeX Workshop Version: [e.g. 8.5.0]
  • TeX Distribution Version: [e.g. TeX Live 2019 / MiKTeX 2.9.7250]

Please list the environment and version number if you are using VSCodium, Snap or Flatpack versions of Visual Studio Code, and/or Visual Studio Code Remote Containers/SSH/WSL.

  • I am using XXX whose version is YY.ZZ

The Issue*

Please briefly describe the issue you come across.

  • The latex-workshop.latex.autoBuild.run is set to "onFileChange", but the build process is not triggered when the file is changed.

Reproduction Steps

Please list out the steps to reproduce your bug. Include relevant environmental variables or any other configuration.

Expected Behavior

What were you expecting to see? Include any relevant examples or documentation links.


LaTeX Workshop Output*

Please paste the whole log messages below, not parts of ones. The log should start with New log placeholder %WS1% registered.

[[20:23:34][Logger] New log placeholder %WS1% registered for /home/cz015 .
[20:23:34][Config] Configuration for workspace: file://%WS1% .
[20:23:34][Config] editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter: "on" .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.bind.enter.key: true .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.docker.enabled: false .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.docker.image.latex: "" .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.hover.preview.mathjax.extensions: [] .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.intellisense.package.enabled: true .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.intellisense.update.aggressive.enabled: true .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.intellisense.update.delay: 1000 .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.latex.autoBuild.run: "onFileChange" .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.latex.build.forceRecipeUsage: true .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.latex.outDir: "%DIR%" .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.latex.recipes: [
"name": "latexmk",
"tools": [
"name": "latexmk (latexmkrc)",
"tools": [
"name": "latexmk (lualatex)",
"tools": [
"name": "latexmk (xelatex)",
"tools": [
"name": "pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex * 2",
"tools": [
"name": "Compile Rnw files",
"tools": [
"name": "Compile Jnw files",
"tools": [
"name": "Compile Pnw files",
"tools": [
"name": "tectonic",
"tools": [
] .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.latex.tools: [
"name": "latexmk",
"command": "latexmk",
"args": [
"env": {}
"name": "lualatexmk",
"command": "latexmk",
"args": [
"env": {}
"name": "xelatexmk",
"command": "latexmk",
"args": [
"env": {}
"name": "latexmk_rconly",
"command": "latexmk",
"args": [
"env": {}
"name": "pdflatex",
"command": "pdflatex",
"args": [
"env": {}
"name": "bibtex",
"command": "bibtex",
"args": [
"env": {}
"name": "rnw2tex",
"command": "Rscript",
"args": [
"knitr::opts_knit$set(concordance = TRUE); knitr::knit('%DOCFILE_EXT%')"
"env": {}
"name": "jnw2tex",
"command": "julia",
"args": [
"using Weave; weave(\"%DOC_EXT%\", doctype=\"tex\")"
"env": {}
"name": "jnw2texminted",
"command": "julia",
"args": [
"using Weave; weave(\"%DOC_EXT%\", doctype=\"texminted\")"
"env": {}
"name": "pnw2tex",
"command": "pweave",
"args": [
"env": {}
"name": "pnw2texminted",
"command": "pweave",
"args": [
"env": {}
"name": "tectonic",
"command": "tectonic",
"args": [
"env": {}
] .
[20:23:34][Config] latex-workshop.viewer.pdf.internal.keyboardEvent: "auto" .
[20:23:34][Manager] Set $LATEXWORKSHOP_DOCKER_LATEX: ""
[20:23:34][Server] Creating LaTeX Workshop http and websocket server.
[20:23:34][Server] Server successfully started: {"address":"","family":"IPv4","port":36293} .
[20:23:34][Extension] Initializing LaTeX Workshop.
[20:23:34][Extension] Extension root: %WS1%/.vscode-server/extensions/james-yu.latex-workshop-9.7.0
[20:23:34][Extension] $PATH: %WS1%/.vscode-server/bin/92da9481c0904c6adfe372c12da3b7748d74bdcb/bin/remote-cli:/usr/remote/apps/texlive/2021/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/remote/bin:%WS1%/.conda/envs/learn/bin:/usr/remote/apps/anaconda/2022.05/condabin:/usr/remote/apps/riscv/2022-05-04/bin:/usr/remote/apps/CUDA/11.6.2/bin:/usr/remote/apps/vim/8.2/bin:/usr/remote/apps/rstudio/2022.02.1+461/bin:/usr/remote/apps/R/4.1.3/bin:/usr/remote/apps/node/16.17.1/bin:/usr/remote/apps/jdk/17.0.3+7/bin:/usr/remote/apps/go/1.18.1/bin:/usr/remote/apps/texlive/2021/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/remote/apps/texlive/2021/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/remote/apps/anaconda/2022.05/bin:/usr/remote/bin:/usr/share/Modules/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/remote/riscv/bin:%WS1%/node_modules/typescript/bin:/home/csci206/bin:/usr/remote/riscv/bin:%WS1%/node_modules/typescript/bin:/home/csci206/bin:%WS1%/bin
[20:23:34][Extension] $SHELL: /bin/bash
[20:23:34][Extension] $LANG: en_US.UTF-8
[20:23:34][Extension] $LC_ALL: undefined
[20:23:34][Extension] process.platform: linux
[20:23:34][Extension] process.arch: x64
[20:23:34][Extension] vscode.env.appName: Visual Studio Code
[20:23:34][Extension] vscode.env.remoteName: ssh-remote
[20:23:34][Extension] vscode.env.uiKind: 1
[20:23:34][Extension] LaTeX Workshop initialized.
[20:23:34][Format][Bib] Bibtex format config: {"tab":"  ","case":"lowercase","left":"{","right":"}","trailingComma":false,"sort":["key"],"alignOnEqual":true,"sortFields":false,"fieldsOrder":[],"firstEntries":["string","xdata"]}
[20:23:34][Extension] Trigger characters for intellisense of LaTeX documents: ["\\",",","{"]
[20:23:34][Manager] Current workspace folders: ["file://%WS1%"]
[20:23:34][Manager] Found root file from active editor: %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex
[20:23:34][Manager] Root file changed: from undefined to %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex
[20:23:34][Manager] Start to find all dependencies.
[20:23:34][Manager] Root file languageId: latex
[20:23:34][Cacher][Watcher] Reset.
[20:23:34][Cacher] Adding %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Cacher][Watcher] Watched %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex with a new watcher on %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Caching %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Updated inputs of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][DupLabel] Checking for duplicate labels: %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Updated elements of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Bib %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/sample-base.bib from %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Intelli][Citation] Parsing .bib entries from %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/sample-base.bib
[20:23:34][Cacher][Watcher] Watched %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/sample-base.bib with a new watcher on %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Updated bibs of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Cached %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Parsing .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Adding %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/acmart.cls .
[20:23:34][Cacher][Watcher] Watched %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/acmart.cls .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Adding %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/sample-franklin.png .
[20:23:34][Cacher][Watcher] Watched %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/sample-franklin.png .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Found .aux %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex from .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls , parsing.
[20:23:34][Cacher] Parsed .aux %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Cacher] Parsed .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls .
[20:23:34][Structure] Structure force updated with 12 root sections for %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Intelli][Citation] Parsed 96 bib entries from %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/sample-base.bib .
[20:23:34][Structure] Structure force updated with 12 root sections for %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:23:34][Server] valdOrigin is
[20:23:34][Viewer][Panel] Restoring at column 1 with state {"pdfFileUri":"file://%WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.pdf","scale":"auto","scrollMode":0,"sidebarView":0,"spreadMode":0,"scrollTop":0,"scrollLeft":0,"trim":0,"synctexEnabled":true,"autoReloadEnabled":true}.
[20:23:35][Viewer][Panel] Internal PDF viewer at .
[20:23:35][Cacher][Watcher] Watched %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.pdf with a new watcher on %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report .
[20:23:35][Viewer] Handle data type: open
[20:23:36][Server] Preview PDF file: file://%WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.pdf
[20:23:36][Viewer] Handle data type: loaded
[20:23:36][Viewer] SyncTex after build invoked.
[20:23:36][Locator] Forward from %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex to %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.pdf on line 61.
[20:23:36][SyncTeX] Parsing .synctex.gz %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.synctex.gz .
[20:23:36][Viewer] Try to synctex %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.pdf
[20:24:12][Cacher] Caching %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:12][Cacher] Updated inputs of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:12][DupLabel] Checking for duplicate labels: %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:12][Cacher] Updated elements of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:12][Cacher] Bib %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/sample-base.bib from %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:12][Cacher] Updated bibs of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:12][Cacher] Cached %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:12][Cacher] Parsing .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls .
[20:24:12][Cacher] Found .aux %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex from .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls , parsing.
[20:24:12][Cacher] Parsed .aux %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:12][Cacher] Parsed .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls .
[20:24:12][Structure] Structure force updated with 12 root sections for %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:17][Extension] onDidSaveTextDocument triggered: file://%WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex
[20:24:17][Counter] Auto texcount started on saving file %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:17][Counter] Count words using command. The command is texcount:["-merge","technical report draft.tex"].
[20:24:18][Cacher] Caching %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:18][Cacher] Updated inputs of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:18][DupLabel] Checking for duplicate labels: %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:18][Cacher] Updated elements of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:18][Cacher] Bib %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/sample-base.bib from %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:18][Cacher] Updated bibs of %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:18][Cacher] Cached %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:18][Cacher] Parsing .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls .
[20:24:18][Cacher] Found .aux %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex from .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls , parsing.
[20:24:18][Cacher] Parsed .aux %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .
[20:24:18][Cacher] Parsed .fls %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.fls .
[20:24:18][Structure] Structure force updated with 12 root sections for %WS1%/Senior_design/technical report/technical report draft.tex .]

Developer Tools Console

Please paste the whole log messages below, not parts of ones. This console logs can sometimes be very important in many cases. To access the log, click Help -> Toggle Developer Tools -> Console.

[Paste the log here. Do not remove the surrounding backquotes (`).]

Anything Else?

Add any other context about the problem below.

James-Yu commented 1 year ago

I cannot reproduce the issue. You may need to provide a minimal working example. This issue is most likely a local one.