James-Yu / LaTeX-Workshop

Boost LaTeX typesetting efficiency with preview, compile, autocomplete, colorize, and more.
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Live share integration #4308

Open quoc-ho opened 1 week ago

quoc-ho commented 1 week ago

Continue the discussion https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop/discussions/4305#discussioncomment-9927467.

hoang06kx1 commented 1 week ago

Awesome! Great contribution @quoc-ho . Let's wait for review.

quoc-ho commented 4 days ago

The following functionalities have been implemented on guests (on the host, everything is the same as before):

Here, * means doesn't work when the guest is on a Windows computer. This is because on Windows, getPdfPath always returns smth with c:\ at the beginning, which does not make sense. For guests, the input will be something like vsls:/file.tex regardless of the system. I only have limited access to a Windows computer so at least for now, I cannot really troubleshoot this. For now, Windows users can double click on the pdf file to open it instead. Forward synctex is still a problem.

Build command cannot be triggered from the guest yet (but it's not hard to implement). For now, the host can just turn on build on save.

Notes on the implementation

  1. On the host, everything should function exactly the same as before.
  2. There are two minor but very frequent changes involving URI schemes: a. Previously, vscode.Uri.file was used, which has file scheme and which doesn't work on the guest side since the appropriate scheme there should be vsls. I implemented fileUriFromPath in file.ts which handles schemes more appropriately. b. Previously, there were many checks .scheme === 'file'. I implemented isAcceptedScheme which allows vsls as well and replaced the checks by using this function.
  3. On the guest, the HTTP server now switches to proxy mode during a live share session which pipes the requests to the host via the shared port (the share is facilitated by the live share extension). The guest also opens a WebSocket connection to the host WebSocket server and uses this to handle refresh and synctex.
  4. When starting a new session, the host will automatically share its port via the live share extension and the guest will automatically obtain that port when joining. Since live share doesn't expose an API to acquire the port (on the guest), it's done via triggering the appropriate command and accessing the clipboard. If the initial sharing fails for some reason (for example, when the host doesn't click allow for the share request), the user can initiate share (on the host) and acquire port (on the guest) via two new commands.