Closed James01010101 closed 2 months ago
I wont even ask the user for any input ill just auto create it. Then later i can go through events and series and maybe a red outline or something for the bits of into i dont have and then i can edit it and put it in later
I dont ask the user for any input. When i create a new comic i check if it already has a series/event. if it does and the comic did pass in a seriesName or eventName then i just add 1 to the number of issues read. and add on the pages from this comic. Otherwise i create a new series/event with default values + this new comics values and insert it into the model to be saved
This will require viewing event and series pages to be implemented already
When i create a new comic and it is a new series and or new event. i want to get sent to a page where i can create a new event or series.
This should mostly be auto filled but i will need to know how many comics in this event or series. Id should be auto created The name should be auto filled Year auto filled total issues MANUALLY filled issues read and pages read should obviously start at whatever this comic is since this is the only comic i have in this series
IMPORTANT also brings up a good point that every time i add a new comic, if it has a series or event ill need to increment its pages read and comics read so i keep it up to date. so ill need to search for both of them each time to update it.