hello, i have a notebook (vaio) is built by a brazilian company called (positivo) with ryzen 5500u 8GB 3200 MHZ single chanel w10, i installed several different versions of AATU but the problem persists. the program limits the power (eco mode works normally) but it cannot leave it above 15w, it goes up to about 25w but at the same time it drops and stabilizes at 15w. it is not giving thermal trotling, the highest temperature is 64ºC, I updated the chipset in an attempt to make it work but nothing happened, the bios is very simple and does not have options to increase the vram , 512MB much less increase the tdp of the device, any information I am available and thank you who can help.
hello, i have a notebook (vaio) is built by a brazilian company called (positivo) with ryzen 5500u 8GB 3200 MHZ single chanel w10, i installed several different versions of AATU but the problem persists. the program limits the power (eco mode works normally) but it cannot leave it above 15w, it goes up to about 25w but at the same time it drops and stabilizes at 15w. it is not giving thermal trotling, the highest temperature is 64ºC, I updated the chipset in an attempt to make it work but nothing happened, the bios is very simple and does not have options to increase the vram , 512MB much less increase the tdp of the device, any information I am available and thank you who can help.