[x] 1. Refactor functions into standalone script (.ps1) files
[ ] 2. Parameterize all variables that were originally designed to be modified by the user
[ ] 3. Write a "module maker" script that concatenates the content of all script files into a single module (.psm1) file
[x] 4. Write a GitHub Action that:
[x] a. runs the module maker after each new commit on the main branch
[x] b. saves the modified module file
[x] c. commits the changes, using the same commit message as the previous commit
[ ] 5. Write an installer script with user options:
[ ] a. create a symbolic link to the module's current location and put it in one of the directories in $env:PSModulePath
[ ] b. copy/move the module file from its current location to one of the directories in $env:PSModulePath
[ ] c. select and install a subset of functions from the module using one of the above methods (detecting and handling dependencies might make this too complicated, but we'll see)
) files.psm1
) file$env:PSModulePath