JamesHeinrich / phpThumb

phpThumb() - The PHP thumbnail generator
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[Bug Fixed] function readfile in many host website is disabled #173

Closed aldoexpert closed 3 years ago

aldoexpert commented 3 years ago

Dear @JamesHeinrich ,

I see on your change log is used readfile for showing cached/rendered image (v1.5.3 - May 4, 2005) but in many website share host is disabled that function for reason security so if readfile change to echo file_get_contents this library work perfectly in website host (I has been tested it)

Note: readfile function only used in phpThumb.php

Thanks if you update your code

JamesHeinrich commented 3 years ago

Changed in https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/phpThumb/commit/14211001b499086a4c348e8718c2c9e484489e7d