JamesHeinrich / phpThumb

phpThumb() - The PHP thumbnail generator
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ModX error log is flooded after upgrading ModX and emptying the cache #197

Closed Esger closed 1 year ago

Esger commented 1 year ago

ModX Cloud 3.0.2 , pthumb-2.3.3-pl, PHP 7.4 After upgrading to ModX 3.0.2 and emptying the cache, Images are being regenerated and the ModX error-log is flooded with:

[2022-11-23 09:32:00] (ERROR @ /www/core/vendor/james-heinrich/phpthumb/phpthumb.class.php : 3770) PHP warning: Use of undefined constant IMAGETYPE_AVIF - assumed 'IMAGETYPE_AVIF' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)
JamesHeinrich commented 1 year ago

That was fixed on 2022-10-11 in https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/phpThumb/commit/9914236397b1796e74e0fd681e13dfd7fd78467d