JamesLMilner / THREEAR

A marker based Augmented Reality library for Three.js
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running threear in codesandbox.io #118

Open gschian0 opened 3 years ago

gschian0 commented 3 years ago

Hey, I'm trying to get THREEAR to work in codesandbox for teaching a class on setting up webAR with three.js so I don't have to have students set up a local environment to get their feet wet. This same script works in my vs code using parcel bundler but I can't get it to work properly in codesandbox.io here is the link to the current version of the sandbox, https://codesandbox.io/s/ar-tests-for-sandbox-wcziq?file=/src/index.js any help would be greatly appreciated! Bless, Gennaro

JamesLMilner commented 2 years ago

Hey @gschian0 sorry I haven't got back to you about this. Can you clarify what you mean by 'cant get it to work properly?'. If this is not relevant any more I will close it out. Thanks!