JamesLongman / Squad-Mortar-Calculator-IOS

IOS App: Mortar calculator for the video game Squad
MIT License
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Add 'Corrections' tab #4

Closed JamesLongman closed 6 years ago

JamesLongman commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately calculators are not perfect and there will always be a degree of error due to estimations made in user input, and at greater ranges large altitude differences can cause errors in calculation due to mortars reaching their targets and less steep angles (An issue impossible to resolve without accurate 3D mapping).

For this reason a 'Corrections' tab may prove useful where the user can provide corrections to the initial calculation if needed; such as adding or subtracting a certain distance to range, or moving the target a certain distance in any direction.

JamesLongman commented 6 years ago

Will be included in v1 release