A C# based memory editing library targeting Windows applications, offering various functions to extract and inject data and codes into remote processes to allow interoperability.
I am trying to query and read the space of 0xFF3F0000.
However, this must be accessed as unsigned.
public IEnumerable<RemoteRegion> Regions => from page in MemoryCore.Query(addressTo: new IntPtr(int.MaxValue), processHandle: MemorySharp.Handle, addressFrom: IntPtr.Zero)
select new RemoteRegion(MemorySharp, page.BaseAddress);
int.MaxValue is 0x7FFFFFFF, but i scan address is 0xFFFF****
If you enter a larger value, an overflow error window will appear.
Exception occurred: 'System.OverflowException' (mscorlib.dll)
An unhandled exception of type 'System.OverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll.
An arithmetic operation caused an overflow.
I think there should be no overflow and the maximum value should be 0xFFFFFFFF or SYSTEM_INFO maximumApplicationAddress (GetSystemInfo) and there should be no overflow.
Windows11 64bit os
Target process
32bit process my process is 32bit process.
I am trying to query and read the space of 0xFF3F0000. However, this must be accessed as unsigned.
int.MaxValue is 0x7FFFFFFF, but i scan address is 0xFFFF****
If you enter a larger value, an overflow error window will appear.
I think there should be no overflow and the maximum value should be 0xFFFFFFFF or SYSTEM_INFO maximumApplicationAddress (GetSystemInfo) and there should be no overflow.