JamesNK / Newtonsoft.Json

Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
MIT License
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Visual 2019 #2059

Open nirpeleg opened 5 years ago

nirpeleg commented 5 years ago

Cant open sln file Newtonsoft.json.sln

The message:

Unable to locate the .NET Core SDK. Check that it is installed and that the version specified in global.json (if any) matches the installed version.

MagicAndre1981 commented 5 years ago

open Src/global.json and change version to 2.2.203

nirpeleg commented 5 years ago

I change the global.json file and got the same error any idea? thanks

MagicAndre1981 commented 5 years ago

make sure .net core workload is installed and install 2.2.203 SDK

nirpeleg commented 5 years ago

load nuget Newsoft json error.docx thanks it help when I am running build for the projects I am getting the error: projects.assets.json not found , run Nuget to restore while running NuGet to install the package I get the errors in the print screen files attach

Please Help install newsoft json package manager .docx

MagicAndre1981 commented 5 years ago

add proper pictures (copy them to clipboard and press CTRL+V to attach them here) and error messages, but not those docx files.

nirpeleg commented 5 years ago



MagicAndre1981 commented 5 years ago

don't make screenshots of multiple monitors. use Snip & Sketch only select/copy important parts of the error message

nirpeleg commented 5 years ago


nirpeleg commented 5 years ago
