Closed davidfowl closed 8 years ago
.NETPlatform5.0? .NETCore5.0? DNXCore5.0? Is NuGet ever going to document this stuff because as someone who is not using the new .NET stuff on a regular basis I have no clue when is required of a NuGet package anymore.
:poop: :fire:
Also, you guys should fix
When you do that I could start using a project.json to build and Json.NET
.NETPlatform5.0? .NETCore5.0? DNXCore5.0? Is NuGet ever going to document this stuff because as someone who is not using the new .NET stuff on a regular basis I have no clue when is required of a NuGet package anymore.
I know we suck bad at this. There's some documentation coming out soon from the NuGet team that will clarify some of it.
Also, you guys should fix aspnet/dnx#1894
I totally want to fix this but I have to ask, who is using NuGet with .NET 2.0? 3.5 I can maybe understand (maybe...)
I know Glimpse targets .NET 3.5
I have a tool that I'm publishing tomorrow that helps with this. It will generate the dependencies of a nuspec for dotnet properly. I'll try to remember to post a link back to this thread, but you don't have to do this by hand....
The tool is just a nuget package that you add to your PCL project -- the same one you're putting in the portable- dir today. No code changes. On build, it'll look for the nuspec and put the correct dependencies in. Then you just put your lib in \lib\dotnet as well and things should just work.
Two questions:
Hi James, this might help explain it:
It should be really easy and I can submit a PR later today or tomorrow if you want.
I'm going to submit a PR for to update the NuSpecs this morning.
@davidfowl How do I test this? Why did this error happen for the ppl at and, and not for everyone?
@JamesNK Just curious as to which part you want to test? The binary is the same. All that's been done is to list the dependencies. At that point, NuGet and DNU will see the dotnet section, list the dependencies and get the matching contracts/packages that are equal to or greater as per normal NuGet dependency rules.
One way to test this part out is to create a new "Console Application (Package)" project as that's based on DNX. Then add to it's project.json and if you expand the node in VS under references, you should see it pull in all of your needed package references.
At that point it's up to those packages and the runtime to sort things out.
I never make changes before I can repro it myself.
I can tell you what happened... and possibly how to construct the repro.
Create a new Console Application package as I describe above, then add the existing 7.0.1 library to it. In the project.json, only specify the minimum dependencies to run main -- System.Runtime. Then do something basic like serialize a type in a way that would use a type from System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives (the contents of that contract lib escape me this moment).
If you do, then you'll get the exception since System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives was not copied to the output directory.
The reason other people didn't necessarily see it is that they could reference another assembly that itself references System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives, so it would get pulled in. They essentially got lucky.
I have a repro, it's really easy and it's exactly what I said before:!701387&authkey=!ANMjXa_ZUM3--BE&ithint=file%2czip
Use the following project.json:
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"description": "ConsoleApp1 Console Application",
"authors": [ "oren" ],
"tags": [ "" ],
"projectUrl": "",
"licenseUrl": "",
"dependencies": {
"Newtonsoft.Json": "7.0.1"
"commands": {
"ConsoleApp1": "ConsoleApp1"
"frameworks": {
"dnxcore50": {
"dependencies": {
"System.Collections": "4.0.10-beta-23109",
"System.Console": "4.0.0-beta-23109",
"System.Linq": "4.0.0-beta-23109",
"System.Threading": "4.0.10-beta-23109",
"Microsoft.CSharp": "4.0.0-beta-23109"
and Here's the program.cs
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public class Program
public void Main(string[] args)
var foo = new Poco() { Foo = "Bar" };
var str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(foo);
public class Poco
public string Foo { get; set; }
Try to run and you get an unhandled FileNotFoundException due to the missing dll.
Thanks! I'll look at this during the weekend.
So the reason this isn't working is because DNX will not lift the packages to the version that contains support for DNXCore. The way we do this in the MSBuild based projects is through the Microsoft.NETCore.Targets package, though even including this in the DNX console project will not work due to
A workaround would be to manually list the package versions that contain support for DNXCore in a DNXCore specific section of your project.json. You can see the minimum versions by looking at the runtime.json in the Microsoft.NETCore.Targets.DNXCore package. Long term I think this needs to happen automatically by the platform, similar to how it works for MSBuild based projects.
Just to add one point to @ericstj's analysis, the issue at hand with dnxcore still repros with the changes in my PR for the reasons Eric mentions.
That said, the changes themselves are the correct changes so that the dependencies are transitively included.
I think the short version is that DNX users will need a workaround to consume a Profile 259 PCL.
So I'm playing around with getting Json.NET building via a project.json again and for some reason types from a dependency that I'm not directly referencing - System.Reflection.TypeExtensions - are generating conflicts. Is this new behavior? I don't remember having this problem in the past.
Dependencies are transitive by default. What conflict are you seeing?
I have my own internal BindingFlags enum. System.Reflection.TypeExtensions also has a BindingFlags enum.
Even though I'm not referencing System.Reflection.TypeExtensions, because I'm referencing Microsoft.CSharp and Microsoft.CSharp is referencing TypeExtensions, both are now in my project and conflicting with each other.
How's this change going @JamesNK ?
I'm at a conference this weekend. I'll look at it more late next week
The nuspec looks good but in the project.json, I'd change up the floating versions:
Right now you have "4.0.10-*"
, and that means if a beta version is available, it'll pick that up instead. I'd change that to either remove the wildcard or at least make it "4.0.*"
so you only pickup stable packages.
actually, you may need to add the following to the nuspec:
<group targetFramework="net45" />
<group targetFramework="wp8" />
<group targetFramework="win8" />
<group targetFramework="wpa81" />
<group targetFramework="xamarin.ios" />
<group targetFramework="monotouch" />
<group targetFramework="monoandroid" />
Otherwise any system.runtime platform will try to pull in the dependencies in dotnet and fail (because they're not applicable.
If you do that you need to duplicate the dependencies in a UAP section, otherwise win8 will take precedence over the dotnet section.
Dependencies shouldn't fail, we've actually produced packages that will correctly install if they are supported, for example the System.Runtime 4.0.0 package installs into a net45 project. You do end up getting a bunch of extra packages in the packages.config for older project types and nuget will advertise upgrades that don't work since you'd be upgrading out of support for the old platforms like wp8. Once/if everything is moved to project.json both of these bad behaviors will go away and folks can author their packages with a single dotnet section.
@ericstj It's true that System.Runtime 4.0.0 does install correctly, but 4.0.20 seems to be used as the system.runtime reference...and that does not work.
Why can't the NuGet team document any of this stuff?! :facepunch:
Here is a gist of the nuspec:
Add comments to it of what needs to change to support all the platforms.
@JamesNK what of this long list do you consider as not documented? Let us know and we will add it, or of course we always take PRs to our docs
There needs to be a sample or guide of how to create a nuspec that mixes old targets like net45/win8/portable-* with dotnet that works with new project.json apps like DNX and UAP while still playing nice with the old packages.json
Consider this - - will anyone reading the documentation understand that blank groups are required for some targets?
You need to be more prescriptive with telling people the best practices for creating packages. Look at what @davidfowl did in this bug description: he copied and pasted another package's nuspec and said do something like this. He should be able to link to a wiki page or guide somewhere with best practices for targets and dependencies. Muddling around, guessing by looking at what other people have done and discovery by word of mouth through the community sucks.
@JamesNK :+1: This has been very frustrating to figure out what goes with what by trial and error.
I've spent enough time on this. I'm going to wait until there is documentation or guides.
So how are those docs coming along? I'm guessing the ASP.NET team would like to use a version of Json.NET that specifies dependencies before they go 1.0 RTM and they're going to be in RC's soon.
Any update on this? I was trying to use JSON.Net as an example for Dapper and...well, now I'm even more lost on what's "correct" all around. Some combinations work in CLI, some in VS, others neither. Every combination that works or doesn't or resolves dependencies correctly changes with every beta.
I'll be honest, I'm with @JamesNK here - I'm so confused and frustrated about what's proper that I'm giving up for now.
@davidfowl @yishaigalatzer can you please let us know when there's anything like a full example available?, and please include which versions of all the tooling it's assuming.
@krwq and I Ran into this today using JSON.NET version 8.0.1-beta3
using the dotnet cli.
Looking at the nuspec there doesn't seem to be any dependencies at all.
So refreshing to see I'm not the only one pulling my hair out over nuget + uap/dnx + dn of old.
No i'm also facing some difficult to set newtonsoft to .Net Core 5.0 and a .Net 4.5.1 on some project
There won't be any progress until .NET Core RC2. When it is released I'll create a netstandard build and release a new version of Json.NET.
FYI there is a .NET CLI version of Json.NET - - but I can't put in on NuGet because the RC2 packages aren't on NuGet.
FYI RC2 is live now
What's the best way to add this to the project.json generated by dotnet new
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"buildOptions": {
"emitEntryPoint": true
"dependencies": {
"Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
"type": "platform",
"version": "1.0.0-rc2-3002702"
"frameworks": {
"netcoreapp1.0": {
"imports": "dnxcore50"
Is there any way to manage and add dependencies other than hacking .json?
Until recently announced tooling changes for Visual Studio "15" are made, project.json is how you manage dependencies. has more details, but effectively you add general dependencies under "dependencies" and can most often do so as simple name/value strings:
"dependencies": {
"Newtonsoft.Json": "8.0.4"
@heaths thanks. Is DNCore going back to csproj files or just full fat .NET? I wondered how to find libraries which work on DNCore? Do you get the version number for this string by searching nuget's website? I'm imagining using the tools through VSCode without VS2015 and without Windows.
Please ask off topic questions like this somewhere else. You're spamming a lot of people with github notifications.
JSON.NET currently has PCL folder that targets
this works for older PCL projects and .NET Framework based projects because msbuild adds all of the facades to the compiler target. Moving forward, that's no longer the case. Instead packages are expected to specify what dependencies they use in the nuspec.Here' an example of System.Collections.nuspec:
Notice that the dependencies are specified in the TFM specific group. That's what JSON.NET should do for .NET Core based platforms. Here's the recommended solution, remove +dnxcore50 from the PCL folder, make a new folder called dotnet and put the dll in there. Specify the dependencies you use in your nuspec with a dependency group targeting dotnet/aka .NETPlatform5.0