JamesP6000 / WsprryPi

Raspberry Pi WSPR transmitter using NTP based frequency calibration
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WsprryPi on Pi 3b+ #26

Open bcorky opened 5 years ago

bcorky commented 5 years ago

Has anyone got WsprryPi to work on the 3B+ With mine the software says” Pi version one detected” , runs once and hangs

AA7US commented 5 years ago

bcorky, I'm successfully running WsprryPi on a 3B+ with Raspbian Stretch Lite. No special problems noted other than the previously reported system lockups when attempting to run WsprryPi using a terminal inside the Pi's LXDE GUI desktop (see https://github.com/JamesP6000/WsprryPi/issues/6). I disabled the on-board sound card and disabled the Pi's screen blanking (even though I run headless) and this seems to have solved the system lockup problem. Everything works perfectly.

bcorky commented 5 years ago

When it runs what version of the Pi does it say it detected?

AA7US commented 5 years ago

Yes... "Detected Raspberry Pi version 2/3"

bcorky commented 5 years ago

Interesting, I’ll make a new image and try again