JamesP6000 / WsprryPi

Raspberry Pi WSPR transmitter using NTP based frequency calibration
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Add support for 6-symbol QTH locators #40

Open sp9dev opened 3 years ago

sp9dev commented 3 years ago

Hi! Could you add support for transmitting 6-symbol locators? Thanks!

MichaelRenner commented 3 years ago

An good idea. Support for type 2 and type 3 messages. Would include "long" call sign, e.g. if you are abroad.

ComputerSmiths commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I just brought my TAPR Hat to the Turks and Caicos, and discovered VP5/N1JBJ doesn't work. Also, my NTP server's gpsd gives me an 8-character grid square, so if I'm going to be doing two transmissions, I might as well narrow down exactly where the only WSPR transmitter in the TCI is 8*)