JamesP6000 / WsprryPi

Raspberry Pi WSPR transmitter using NTP based frequency calibration
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Crashes when "Waiting for next WSPR transmissoin window". #6

Open orsty3001 opened 7 years ago

orsty3001 commented 7 years ago

Crashes when I try to start wspr on a raspberry pi 1. The only way to recover is unplugg the device and plug it back in.

JimNtexas commented 4 years ago

I had this issue. When I initially set up my TAPR/wspr system I was using a good sized usb battery power supply. Once I got it working, I move the transmitter to a more permanent location and plugged it in to an Apple 110v usb converter, a small one.

Then I got the crash after 'Waiting for next wspr....'.

After futzing around I switched back to battery power and it worked! I replaced the little Apple usb power wart with a 2 amp power wart, and it is working again!

zinkwazi commented 2 years ago

Hi All, I would really like to get this working on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W for a low power mobile WSPR rig but still experiencing the crashing issues mentioned by many above.

I am testing with the updated version from threeme3 as well as the latest from @JamesP6000.

I have two pi zero w that I am happy to donate to @threeme3 or @JamesP6000 or someone who has the know-how to work on this.

I have done the following troubleshooting steps:

I am also happy to try other suggestions or code edits and test remotely if anyone has any good ideas.



edegraaff commented 5 months ago

Hi, my zero also crashes directly, strange cant figure out why

edegraaff commented 5 months ago

Hi, my zero also crashes directly, strange cant figure out why

Well, found a workarround, connect keyboard and monitor, and the system is stable, why? no clue at all but it works.

zinkwazi commented 2 months ago

SOLVED: Raspberry Pi Zero crashing successfully solved by adding an HDMI dummy load adapter. https://github.com/zinkwazi/wspr-zero IMG_9252

Thanks for all the suggestions above, very rewarding to find a workaround so that I can use the pi zero for mobile WSPR!