JamesRandall / AngularJS-OAuth2

Package for allowing an AngularJS application to authenticate with an OAuth 2 / Open ID Connect identity provider using the implicit flow.
MIT License
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Ionic and Apache Cordova #10

Closed tomek14 closed 8 years ago

tomek14 commented 9 years ago

Hi, Did somebody tried to use this plugin with standard Ionic Framework template for Apache Cordova? Because when I'm tring to use it with IdentityServer3 authentication works fine, i am able to log in, but the button don't change to "SingOut". Did somebody have this issue?

JamesRandall commented 9 years ago

Hi Tomek,

I've not tried this but am about to start a new project in Ionic that will use this plugin. I'll try it against my sample project and investigate - hopefully will be able to this weekend.


JamesRandall commented 8 years ago

It took me a while to look into this and I realised there is a (non code) problem. Apple reject app's from the store that have embedded browsers with external links in - even identity / login pages (I know from painful personal experience). My solution to this is to launch an external browser on iOS and to register a custom app UNC (myapp: for example) in the info.plist file and in IdentityServer (i.e. my callback / redirect URI is myapp://).

In Android I use the embedded browser but take the same basic approach.

I'll try and post an example at some point.