JamesRandall / AngularJS-OAuth2

Package for allowing an AngularJS application to authenticate with an OAuth 2 / Open ID Connect identity provider using the implicit flow.
MIT License
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Silent token renewal #20

Closed ciaranj closed 8 years ago

ciaranj commented 8 years ago

HI there,

I've done some work to extend your directive to support silent token renewal. The approach leans a little (the renewTokenSilently method) on the approach that ThinkTecture provide in their OIDC sample libraries (https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.Samples/blob/master/source/Clients/JavaScriptImplicitClient/oidc.js) which is Apache licensed, since you framed this library as being a client for IdentityServerv3 originally I figured that would be ok?