In Update 103, the One Percenter saw skin was introduced and only worked for the primary saw. In Update 104, Overkill updated the underlying code so that same saw skin can be applied to both primary and secondary saws.. However, I had to disable Goonmod (well turn off the Force Enable) in order to apply the saw skin on the secondary saw.
I think the issue is here in Goonmod's lua\BlackMarketManager.lua:
function BlackMarketManager:get_cosmetics_instances_by_weapon_id(weapon_id)
local cosmetic_tweak = tweak_data.blackmarket.weapon_skins
local items = {}
for instance_id, data in pairs(self._global.inventory_tradable) do
if data.category == "weapon_skins" and cosmetic_tweak[data.entry] and cosmetic_tweak[data.entry].weapon_id == weapon_id then
table.insert(items, instance_id)
Hooks:Call("BlackMarketManagerModifyGetCosmeticsInstancesByWeaponId", self, weapon_id, items)
return items
In the latest U104 code, it uses weapon_ids in addition to weapon_id for that if clause / statement above:
if data.category == "weapon_skins" and cosmetic_tweak[data.entry] then
if cosmetic_tweak[data.entry].weapon_ids then
if table.contains(cosmetic_tweak[data.entry].weapon_ids, weapon_id) then
table.insert(items, instance_id)
elseif cosmetic_tweak[data.entry].weapon_id == weapon_id then
table.insert(items, instance_id)
I'm not sure what the correct proper fix is, but if I replace the if clause/statement with what I see in the U104 code, I can apply the saw skin to the secondary saw properly.
In Update 103, the One Percenter saw skin was introduced and only worked for the primary saw. In Update 104, Overkill updated the underlying code so that same saw skin can be applied to both primary and secondary saws.. However, I had to disable Goonmod (well turn off the Force Enable) in order to apply the saw skin on the secondary saw.
I think the issue is here in Goonmod's lua\BlackMarketManager.lua:
In the latest U104 code, it uses weapon_ids in addition to weapon_id for that if clause / statement above:
I'm not sure what the correct proper fix is, but if I replace the if clause/statement with what I see in the U104 code, I can apply the saw skin to the secondary saw properly.