JamesYang007 / adelie

A fast and flexible Python package for solving group lasso and elastic net problems.
MIT License
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Group elastic net with constraints? #64

Open JamesYang007 opened 3 months ago

JamesYang007 commented 3 months ago

At the very least, it'd be nice to support constraints of the form Ax = b and Ax <= b.

JamesYang007 commented 2 months ago
JamesYang007 commented 1 month ago

TODO (ordered):

JamesYang007 commented 3 weeks ago

Need better intuition for how the iterates are behaving with proximal Newton method. An issue seems to occur for ad.constraint.lower when b is positive and small (close to 0). The dual seems to move too much and enters the regime where ||v - A^T mu||_2 <= lmda. We want to confirm this behavior. Try to find a minimal problem with dimension 2 for ease of visualization.

np.random.seed(seed) quad = np.random.uniform(0, 1, d) linear = np.sqrt(quad) np.random.normal(0, 1, d) l1 = 0.5 np.linalg.norm(linear) l2 = 0 Q = np.random.normal(0, 1, (d, d)) Q, , = np.linalg.svd(Q) Q = np.asfortranarray(Q) b = np.full(d, eps) constr = ad.constraint.lower( b, dtype=np.float64, )

JamesYang007 commented 3 weeks ago
JamesYang007 commented 2 weeks ago
JamesYang007 commented 3 days ago
