Jamesflynn1 / CS344-Opponent-Exploitation-Poker

A third year uni project aiming to implement and evaluate the EFR algorithm with different deviation types and explore a potential tradeoff between exploitability and expected value of a strategy in practice.
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Presentation #23

Closed Jamesflynn1 closed 1 year ago

Jamesflynn1 commented 1 year ago

Technical content: Innovative analysis and design. Methods and solutions employed. Quality of examples used to demonstrate results. Overall level of technical achievement. Conclusions and suggestions for further work. Project management: Well conceived project. Unforeseen problems well detected and overcome. Progress consistent with project specification. All necessary research, analysis and design work completed. Communication skills: Care and preparation of visual aids. Quality of oral delivery. Effective use of time and appropriate length. Effective response to questions.

the motivation for your project (Why is it worth doing?) the necessary background (What is already known? What has been done so far? What are the gaps? How does your project fit into this?) your methodology (How did you go about the project? E.g.: research methods used for investigative type project; development method chosen for system development project.) your analysis/design/solution/research (the meat of what you actually did in your project) evaluation both the contribution of your project and the limitations of its scope that your project has scope for future development/has shown up further questions and directions to explore project management for development projects - a demo to show what your system does your understanding of the topic and the wider landscape - answering questions.