JamieBort / Personal-Dashboard

A website for displaying important daily data. Such as blood glucose numbers and upcoming events. Using React TypeScript front end and Python backend. Which database is yet to be seen. It will use authentication.
MIT License
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NextJS Argon Dashboard #61

Open JamieBort opened 8 months ago

JamieBort commented 8 months ago

For the URL to this one, see the title in the list found in this https://github.com/JamieBort/Personal-Dashboard/issues/13#issuecomment-1986638169 comment that matches the title of this Issue.

Documentation https://www.creative-tim.com/learning-lab/nextjs/overview/argon-dashboard

JamieBort commented 8 months ago

Removing/Removed this

from ./nextjs-argon-dashboard-master/

The following was in the ./nextjs-argon-dashboard-master/.github/workflows/main.yml file:

name: Autocloser
on: [issues]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Issue auto-closer
      uses: roots/issue-closer-action@v1.1
        repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        issue-close-message: "@${issue.user.login} this issue was automatically closed because it did not follow our rules:\n\n<pre>\n\n\n\nIMPORTANT: Please use the following link to create a new issue:\n\nhttps://www.creative-tim.com/new-issue/nextjs-argon-dashboard\n\n**If your issue was not created using the app above, it will be closed immediately.**\n\n\n\nLove Creative Tim? Do you need Angular, React, Vuejs or HTML? You can visit:\nšŸ‘‰  https://www.creative-tim.com/bundles\nšŸ‘‰  https://www.creative-tim.com\n\n\n</pre>\n\n"
        issue-pattern: (\#\#\# Version([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# Reproduction link([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# Operating System([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# Device([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# Browser & Version([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# Steps to reproduce([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# What is expected([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# What is actually happening([\S\s.*]*?)---([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# Solution([\S\s.*]*?)\#\#\# Additional comments([\S\s.*]*?)\<\!-- generated by creative-tim-issues\. DO NOT REMOVE --\>)|(\#\#\# What is your enhancement([\S\s.*]*?)\<\!-- generated by creative-tim-issues\. DO NOT REMOVE --\>)

To study this closer, see https://github.com/JamieBort/Learning-Directory/tree/master/Git/actions#resources-to-explore