JamieBort / Portfolio-Website

This is where I share a bit about myself, showcase what I've been working on, and share where you can find me online. It is build with a React + Vite front end and a Node Express backend. And styled with MUI.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add ssl certificate to app #3

Open JamieBort opened 6 months ago

JamieBort commented 6 months ago

See the SSL Certificate notes.

I am parking these resources here until I am ready to use them. After this ssl certificate is addressed. Maybe the ssl certificate will address this mui issue.

  1. mui iframe
  2. https://github.com/mui/material-ui/issues/30447
  3. DemoSandboxed.js


Related to these Issue(s):


And maybe https://github.com/JamieBort/Portfolio-Website/issues/3