JamieMason / ImageOptim-CLI

Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process
MIT License
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JPEGmini is not installed #187

Closed IsmailM closed 3 years ago

IsmailM commented 3 years ago

Steps To Reproduce The Error

Run imageoptim with the --jpegmini option.

Expected Behaviour

JPEG mini should run...

Actual Behaviour

I see the following error message:

⮀ imageoptim --jpegmini  figures/live_used/**/*jpg
! JPEGmini is not installed (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jpegmini/id498944723)
⮀ which jpegmini
jpegmini not found
⮀ ls /Applications/JPEGmini\ Pro.app

Version Numbers or N/A

ImageOptim CLI Version: 3.0.2 ImageOptim.app: 1.8.8 JPEGmini Pro.app: 3.1.0

Help Needed

I brought JPEGmini from https://www.jpegmini.com/ - since the app store link in the help text does not open in the UK...

Looking inside /Applications/JPEGmini\ Pro.app/Contents/Info.plist, I see that the bundle ID is:


From the code base, I see that it expects one of the following (which does not include the above):


JamieMason commented 3 years ago

This should hopefully be fixed in 3.0.7