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[BUG] Prayer of Mending Glyph should increase the initial heal by 60% #1221

Closed SjaakTrekhaak24 closed 2 weeks ago

SjaakTrekhaak24 commented 2 weeks ago

1. Current Behavior

1.1. Description

Prayer of Mending, while Glyphed, heals 100% extra on the first target. Instead of 60%. It was mentioned that Prayer of Mending wasnt working right and got fixed. In the same post it was mentioned that the Glyph now increases the initial heal by 100%. But this should not be the case, see sources below.

1.2. How to Reproduce

       1. Cast Prayer of Mending on target that takes damage -> check amount healed
       2. Apply Glyph of Prayer of Mending and repeat -> check amount healed
       (Or read tooltip description of Glyph of Prayer of Mending)

1.3 Source Material


2. Expected Behavior

2.1. Description

Glyph of Prayer of Mending should be increasing the initial heal by 60% not 100%

For reference: Majorglyph - small improvement OR big improvement with a downside attached to it Prime Glyph - big spell improvements

Increasing the Heal by 100% should not be in the Major Glyph Category Even 60% is a lot but that is what it was during the entirety of Cataclysm

In MoP it was even changed to 60% + 1 Less Bource To make it more balanced against other (classes) Major Glyphs as it was too strong.

I think this 100% thing is an oversight from Blizzard and should be reverted back to 60%

See sources below

2.2 Source Material

Patch notes on the Glyph itself (no 100% mentioned in any of the itterations) https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Prayer_of_Mending

Priest healing guide from 2014 - Patch 4.3.4 https://www.tauri-veins.com/discipline-priest-wow-pve-healing-spec-builds-talents-glyphs

Priest guide from 2011/2012 - Patch 4.3 https://gotwarcraft.com/guides/classguides/disciplinepriest.php

Holy Priest guide from - Patch 4.3.4 https://wowbesttalentguides.blogspot.com/2014/04/Best-Priest-Guide-PVE-Raid-Healer-Talent-Build-Glyphs-Cataclysm-4-3-4.html

Youtube Video from 2012 - Patch 4.3 (4 Minute 37 Seconds in) https://youtu.be/CsCdPuS6cK8?si=5CpxBgKdq2Q5BzPH&t=277

Further i went though all the patch notes of Cataclysm here: (no mention anywhere about changing the Glyph to 100%) https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Category:World_of_Warcraft_patches

The Glyph started and ended Cataclysm with 60% No Change was made to this value from 4.0.1 all the way to 4.3.4

AidanZMoon commented 2 weeks ago

This is Not A Bug.

This was to compensate Grace priests for the loss of Grace double dipping on PoM (a bug fix). So PoM will do almost the same as 4.3.4 with Glyph + Grace. It's a buff to all PoM glyph using priests that aren't Grace users, but it means Grace bug isn't reintroduced, and it also means Grace + Glyph priests aren't nerfed. It would've been the difference between 27k heals and 21k heals if it hadn't been compensated.

SjaakTrekhaak24 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for clarifying - (this explanation would have been nice in the blue post together with the change) This buffs Holy priests tank heals a bit which i can fully get behind ;) <3