JamminL / cata-classic-bugs

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[BUG] You can AM while Solar Beam'd #1258

Open JamminL opened 2 weeks ago

JamminL commented 2 weeks ago

1. Current Behavior

1.1. Description

Currently you can press Aura Mastery (With Conq aura) while under the effects of Solar Beamed.

1.2. How to Reproduce

       1. Be under the effect of Solar Beam
       2. While conq aura is up, use Aura Mastery
       3. Notice you can cast

2. Expected Behavior

2.1. Description

Back in cataclysm you should be able to Aura Mastery before Solar Beam and you will be immune to it's affects, but you shouldn't be able to remove the effect of Solar Beam with Aura Mastery while already under the effects of Solar Beam

Kenniflopper commented 2 weeks ago

You could use aura mastery while under the effects of blanket silences, like improved counterspell / spell lock from felhunter, and since those are debuffs you could not negate the effect when theyre already applied to you, i dont think solar beam works the same way cause its not a debuff, so if you use aura mastery while under the effects of solar beam it would completely negate the silence effect

SimonBpvp commented 2 weeks ago

might not be a bug