JamshedVesuna / vim-markdown-preview

A light Vim plugin for previewing markdown files in a browser - without leaving Vim.
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:call Vim_Markdown_Preview() changes plugin/applescript/files on Mac OSX #63

Open nimaai opened 7 years ago

nimaai commented 7 years ago


:call Vim_Markdown_Preview() modifies plugin/applescript/files on Mac OSX:

It makes :PluginUpdate to fail for this repository so that I have to git checkout the files to their last version first and rerun :PluginUpdate again.

Greetings, Matus

JamshedVesuna commented 7 years ago

I am unable to reproduce this behavior. Are you using any of this plugin's options? What has the contents of the applescripts changed to?

nimaai commented 7 years ago

Are you using any of this plugin's options?

let vim_markdown_preview_hotkey='<C-m>'
let vim_markdown_preview_browser='Google Chrome'
let vim_markdown_preview_github=1

What has the contents of the applescripts changed to?

# ~/./b/vim-markdown-preview (master) $ git diff
diff --git a/plugin/applescript/activate-vmp.scpt b/plugin/applescript/activate-vmp.scpt
index 511402b..beea2b3 100644
Binary files a/plugin/applescript/activate-vmp.scpt and b/plugin/applescript/activate-vmp.scpt differ
diff --git a/plugin/applescript/search-for-vmp.scpt b/plugin/applescript/search-for-vmp.scpt
index a57dded..5738177 100644
Binary files a/plugin/applescript/search-for-vmp.scpt and b/plugin/applescript/search-for-vmp.scpt differ

They seem to be some kind of binaries; no idea.

JamshedVesuna commented 7 years ago

Can you run open plugin/applescript/activate-vmp.scpt and open plugin/applescript/search-for-vmp.scpt to see the changed contents of the applescripts?

nimaai commented 7 years ago

Content of activate-vmp.scpt:

tell application "Google Chrome"
    set windowList to every window
    repeat with aWindow in windowList
        set tabList to every tab of aWindow
        set i to 1
        repeat with atab in tabList
            if (URL of atab contains "vim-markdown-preview.html") then
                tell atab to reload
                set active tab index of first window to i
            end if
            set i to i + 1
        end repeat
    end repeat
end tell

Content of search-for-vmp.scpt:

tell application "Google Chrome"
    repeat with w in windows
        set i to 1
        repeat with t in tabs of w
            if URL of t ends with "vim-markdown-preview.html" then
                return 0
            end if
            set i to i + 1
        end repeat
    end repeat
    return 1
end tell