JanAhrens / lohnsteuer-ruby

Ruby implementation of the German income tax calculation algorithm
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Result format #2

Open johanness opened 8 years ago

johanness commented 8 years ago

I think the Bundesministerium der Finanzen is rounding the result. It would be great to have the same rounding mechanism implemented. If somebody knows the algorithm, I could submit a merge request.

JanAhrens commented 8 years ago

It seems that the amount of taxes that have to be payed are rounded for the benefit of the taxpayer. If you have to pay 299.99 EUR, it'll get "rounded" to 299 EUR.

I've no official source, but found this discussion (in German): https://www.elster.de/anwenderforum/showthread.php?34883-Einzutragende-Betr%E4ge-auf-oder-abrunden