JanDeDobbeleer / aliae

Cross shell and platform alias management
MIT License
73 stars 3 forks source link

Provide `uname -m` to provide the system architecture #63

Closed trajano closed 8 months ago

trajano commented 8 months ago

Code of Conduct

What would you like to see changed/added?

{{ .Arch }}

Machine architecture so we can have

  - value: |
      if (! command -v bat &> /dev/null )
        curl -sL https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/releases/download/v0.24.0/bat-v0.24.0-{{ some value based on .Arch }}.tar.gz | tar zxf - -C "{{ .Home }}/.local/bin" --strip-components=1 --wildcards bat-v0.24.0-i686-unknown-linux-musl/bat
    if: and (match .Shell "bash" "zsh") (eq .OS "Linux")