JanDeDobbeleer / homebrew-oh-my-posh

Homebrew formula for Oh my Posh
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Warning on changed file over-write during upgrade #23

Closed pacanukeha closed 7 months ago

pacanukeha commented 8 months ago

It would be nice to get a warning if a file has changed since it was installed and is about to be over-written or deleted. Not sure how to manage this since brews delete the whole old install dir and create a new one.

JanDeDobbeleer commented 8 months ago

@pacanukeha what override would be an issue? If it's about themes, you should never edit those directly from the installation directory, but copy them elsewhere, outside of homebrew's internals.

pacanukeha commented 7 months ago

fair point, and you do provide HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP as a fall back. I'm just thinking about some packages like grub or whatever that when you upgrade it gives you the option to keep/merge/replace. nice-to-have but low priority. close at will and thanks.