JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh

The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
MIT License
17.02k stars 2.37k forks source link

Git status is not being displayed #1664

Closed joshg345 closed 2 years ago

joshg345 commented 2 years ago

Code of Conduct

What happened?

Git status is not being displayed when the local repo is out of sync with remote. I have tried adding the the fetch_status, display_status and fetch_upstream_icon but nothing seems to work.


  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
  "blocks": [
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "background": "#c386f1",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "leading_diamond": "",
          "properties": {
            "template": "{{ .UserName }}"
          "style": "diamond",
          "trailing_diamond": "",
          "type": "session"
          "background": "#ff479c",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
            "folder_separator_icon": "  ",
            "home_icon": "~",
            "prefix": "   ",
            "style": "folder"
          "style": "powerline",
          "type": "path"
          "background": "#fffb38",
          "background_templates": [
            "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}#FF9248{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}#ff4500{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#B388FF{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}#B388FF{{ end }}"
          "foreground": "#193549",
          "leading_diamond": "",
          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
            "branch_max_length": 25,
            "fetch_stash_count": true,
            "fetch_status": true,
            "display_status": true,
            "fetch_upstream_icon": true,
            "template": "{{ .UpstreamIcon }}{{ .HEAD }}{{ .BranchStatus }}{{ if .Working.Changed }}  {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}  {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }}{{ if gt .StashCount 0 }}  {{ .StashCount }}{{ end }}"
          "style": "powerline",
          "trailing_diamond": "",
          "type": "git"
          "background": "#6CA35E",
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          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
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            "prefix": "  "
          "style": "powerline",
          "type": "node"
          "background": "#8ED1F7",
          "foreground": "#111111",
          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
            "display_version": true,
            "prefix": "  "
          "style": "powerline",
          "type": "go"
          "background": "#4063D8",
          "foreground": "#111111",
          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
            "display_version": true,
            "prefix": "  "
          "style": "powerline",
          "type": "julia"
          "background": "#FFDE57",
          "foreground": "#111111",
          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
            "display_mode": "files",
            "fetch_virtual_env": false,
            "prefix": "  ",
            "template": "{{ .Full }}"
          "style": "powerline",
          "type": "python"
          "background": "#AE1401",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
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          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
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            "display_version": false,
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          "style": "powerline",
          "type": "azfunc"
          "background_templates": [
            "{{if contains \"default\" .Profile}}#FFA400{{end}}",
            "{{if contains \"jan\" .Profile}}#f1184c{{end}}"
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
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          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
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          "foreground": "#ffffff",
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          "properties": {
            "always_enabled": true,
            "postfix": "⠀",
            "prefix": "<transparent></> ﮫ"
          "style": "plain",
          "trailing_diamond": "",
          "type": "executiontime"
          "background": "#00897b",
          "background_templates": [
            "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#e91e63{{ end }}"
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
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          "properties": {
            "always_enabled": true,
            "prefix": "<parentBackground></> ",
            "template": ""
          "style": "diamond",
          "trailing_diamond": "",
          "type": "exit"
      "type": "prompt"
      "segments": [
          "background": "#0077c2",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "properties": {
            "postfix": " <transparent,#0077c2></>",
            "prefix": "<#0077c2,transparent></>  "
          "style": "plain",
          "type": "shell"
          "background": "#1BD760",
          "foreground": "#111111",
          "invert_powerline": true,
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          "properties": {
            "paused_icon": " ",
            "playing_icon": " ",
            "prefix": "  "
          "style": "powerline",
          "type": "ytm"
          "background": "#f36943",
          "background_templates": [
            "{{if eq \"Charging\" .State.String}}#40c4ff{{end}}",
            "{{if eq \"Discharging\" .State.String}}#ff5722{{end}}",
            "{{if eq \"Full\" .State.String}}#4caf50{{end}}"
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "invert_powerline": true,
          "powerline_symbol": "",
          "properties": {
            "charged_icon": " ",
            "charging_icon": " ",
            "discharging_icon": " ",
            "postfix": " "
          "style": "powerline",
          "type": "battery"
          "background": "#2e9599",
          "foreground": "#111111",
          "invert_powerline": true,
          "leading_diamond": "",
          "style": "diamond",
          "trailing_diamond": "",
          "type": "time"
      "type": "rprompt"
  "console_title": true,
  "console_title_style": "template",
  "console_title_template": "{{ .Shell }} in {{ .Folder }}",
  "final_space": true

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Which shell are you using?


Log output

Version: 7.5.1


ConsoleTitle(true)   -   1 ms - powershell in membership-aaanational
session(true)        -   0 ms -  
path(true)           -   0 ms -    membership-aaanational 
git(true)            - 1177 ms -   master ≡ 
node(false)          -  16 ms -
go(false)            -   3 ms -
julia(false)         -   1 ms -
python(false)        -   9 ms -
ruby(false)          -   3 ms -
azfunc(false)        -   4 ms -
aws(false)           -   7 ms -
root(false)          -   0 ms -
executiontime(true)  -   0 ms -  ﮫ9.001s⠀
exit(true)           -   0 ms -   
shell(true)          -   0 ms -   powershell 
ytm(false)           -  20 ms -
battery(true)        -  14 ms -   97 
time(true)           -   0 ms -  12:12:57 

Run duration: 1.2802463s

Cache path: C:\Users\josh\AppData\Local/oh-my-posh


2022/01/27 12:12:55 getArgs duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getArgs duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getShellName duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: getenv

2022/01/27 12:12:55 getenv duration: 0s, args: OMP_CACHE_DISABLED
2022/01/27 12:12:55 isRunningAsRoot duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getShellName duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 lastErrorCode duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:55 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getCurrentUser duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getHostName duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getRuntimeGOOS duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:55 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: getenv

2022/01/27 12:12:55 getenv duration: 0s, args: SSH_CONNECTION
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: getenv

2022/01/27 12:12:55 getenv duration: 0s, args: SSH_CLIENT
2022/01/27 12:12:55 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:55 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:55 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getArgs duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getRuntimeGOOS duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getRuntimeGOOS duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getRuntimeGOOS duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 stackCount duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:55 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:55 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:55 getRuntimeGOOS duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasCommand duration: 530.0272ms, args: git.exe
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasParentFilePath duration: 0s, args: .git
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: runCommand
# branch.oid 76a583e8d9a633313d57b144879d225273afddc0
# branch.head master
# branch.upstream origin/master
# branch.ab +0 -0
2022/01/27 12:12:56 runCommand duration: 622.8501ms, args: git.exe -C C:\git\Mulesoft\membership-aaanational\ --no-optional-locks -c core.quotepath=false -c color.status=false status -unormal --branch --porcelain=2
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFolder duration: 1.9674ms, args: C:\git\Mulesoft\membership-aaanational\.git/rebase-merge
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFolder duration: 1.9249ms, args: C:\git\Mulesoft\membership-aaanational\.git/rebase-apply
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFilesInDir duration: 2.145ms, args: MERGE_MSG
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFilesInDir duration: 1.6555ms, args: CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFilesInDir duration: 2.2263ms, args: REVERT_HEAD
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFilesInDir duration: 2.2635ms, args: sequencer/todo
2022/01/27 12:12:56 error: getFileContent
open C:\git\Mulesoft\membership-aaanational\.git/logs/refs/stash: The system cannot find the file specified.
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getFileContent duration: 8.5807ms, args: C:\git\Mulesoft\membership-aaanational\.git/logs/refs/stash
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 5.6161ms, args: *.js
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.1029ms, args: *.ts
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.6032ms, args: package.json
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 2.1515ms, args: .nvmrc
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.7614ms, args: pnpm-workspace.yaml
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 2.2141ms, args: .pnpmfile.cjs
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.7851ms, args: .npmrc
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 549µs, args: *.go
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 3.1874ms, args: go.mod
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.5687ms, args: *.jl
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.238ms, args: *.py
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 952.6µs, args: *.ipynb
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.9943ms, args: pyproject.toml
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.9963ms, args: venv.bak
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 995.8µs, args: venv
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.9951ms, args: .venv
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 1.0433ms, args: *.rb
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 hasFiles duration: 950.5µs, args: Rakefile
2022/01/27 12:12:56 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:56 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:56 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 hasFiles duration: 1.9953ms, args: Gemfile
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 hasFiles duration: 1.9944ms, args: host.json
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 hasFiles duration: 1.9945ms, args: local.settings.json
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 getPathSeperator duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 hasFiles duration: 998.2µs, args: function.json
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: getenv

2022/01/27 12:12:57 getenv duration: 0s, args: AWS_VAULT
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: getenv

2022/01/27 12:12:57 getenv duration: 0s, args: AWS_PROFILE
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: getenv

2022/01/27 12:12:57 getenv duration: 0s, args: AWS_REGION
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: getenv

2022/01/27 12:12:57 getenv duration: 0s, args: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: getenv

2022/01/27 12:12:57 getenv duration: 0s, args: AWS_CONFIG_FILE
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 error: getFileContent
open H:\/.aws/config: The system cannot find the path specified.
2022/01/27 12:12:57 getFileContent duration: 7.7746ms, args: H:\/.aws/config
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 isRunningAsRoot duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 executionTime duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 lastErrorCode duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 getShellName duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 error: HTTPRequest
Get "": context deadline exceeded
2022/01/27 12:12:57 HTTPRequest duration: 20.269ms, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 getBatteryInfo duration: 14.976ms, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: pwd
2022/01/27 12:12:57 pwd duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: homeDir
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 templateCache duration: 0s, args:
2022/01/27 12:12:57 debug: getenv
2022/01/27 12:12:57 getenv duration: 0s, args: LOCALAPPDATA
2022/01/27 12:12:57 getCachePath duration: 692µs, args:
ghost commented 2 years ago

Can confirm similar with fresh install today. Everything else is working.

JanDeDobbeleer commented 2 years ago

@joshg345 in your debug info, the repo is in sync with the remote (no local changes either). Even the git output shows the same:

# branch.oid 76a583e8d9a633313d57b144879d225273afddc0
# branch.head master
# branch.upstream origin/master
# branch.ab +0 -0

What did you expect to see in this specific repo?

joshg345 commented 2 years ago

User error. I wasn't issuing a git fetch or git pull for the status to update. I thought I could hit enter and the status of the repo would update.

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity (i.e. last half year) after it was closed. It helps our maintainers focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar, please open a discussion first, complete the body with all the details necessary to reproduce, and mention this issue as reference.