JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh

The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
MIT License
16.79k stars 2.35k forks source link

input after space delayed in cmder / clink / cmd #2815

Closed andi-blafasl closed 1 year ago

andi-blafasl commented 1 year ago

Code of Conduct

What happened?

I try to use oh-my-posh with cmder. Did a fresh install of cmder Version (manual zip) and latest oh-my-posh (via winget) and integrated oh-my-posh via the oh-my-posh.lua script. With this configuration, the shell is unusable slow while typing commands. After every space there is a huge delay. The following example is copy-paste input: oh-my-posh-slow yes, it is that slow in real time! ;-) The issue only exists in cmd, no problem in bash (git-bash) or powershell Just hitting enter is also very slow and I see ~150ms execution time in debug output. Already added an exclusion to out Sophos Anti Virus. Also completely disabling the Anti Virus does not change this time Using a custom Theme based on atomic. I removed the segments that I don't need and adjusted a view colors and the path layout. But the effect also happens with other Themes like the default one.


customized atomic

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
  "blocks": [
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "background": "#0077c2",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "leading_diamond": "\u256d\u2500\ue0b6",
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": "\uf120 {{ .Name }} ",
          "type": "shell"
          "background": "#ef5350",
          "foreground": "#FFFB38",
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": "<parentBackground>\ue0b0</> \uf292 ",
          "type": "root"
          "background": "#6CA35E",
          "foreground": "#2d3436",
          "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
          "properties": {
            "folder_icon": "\uf07b",
            "style": "full"
          "style": "powerline",
          "template": " \uf07b {{ .Path }} ",
          "type": "path"
          "background": "#FFFB38",
          "background_templates": [
            "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}#ffeb95{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}#c5e478{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#C792EA{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}#C792EA{{ end }}"
          "foreground": "#011627",
          "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
          "properties": {
            "branch_icon": "\ue725 ",
            "fetch_status": true,
            "fetch_upstream_icon": true
          "style": "powerline",
          "template": " {{ .UpstreamIcon }}{{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uf044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}<#ef5350> \uf046 {{ .Staging.String }}</>{{ end }} ",
          "type": "git"
      "type": "prompt"
      "alignment": "right",
      "segments": [
          "background": "#316ce4",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
          "properties": {
            "parse_kubeconfig": true
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": "\ufd31 {{.Context}}{{if .Namespace}} :: {{.Namespace}}{{end}}",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "type": "kubectl"
          "background": "#b2bec3",
          "foreground": "#222222",
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
          "properties": {
            "linux": "\ue712",
            "macos": "\ue711",
            "windows": "\ue70f"
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " {{ if .WSL }}WSL at {{ end }}{{.Icon}}<#262626> \ue0b2</>",
          "type": "os"
          "background": "#f36943",
          "background_templates": [
            "{{if eq \"Charging\" .State.String}}#b8e994{{end}}",
            "{{if eq \"Discharging\" .State.String}}#fff34e{{end}}",
            "{{if eq \"Full\" .State.String}}#33DD2D{{end}}"
          "foreground": "#262626",
          "invert_powerline": true,
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2",
          "properties": {
            "charged_icon": "\uf58e ",
            "charging_icon": "\uf1e6 ",
            "discharging_icon": "\ue234 "
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " {{ if not .Error }}{{ .Icon }}{{ .Percentage }}{{ end }}{{ .Error }}\uf295 <#262626>\ue0b2</>",
          "type": "battery"
          "background": "#40c4ff",
          "foreground": "#262626",
          "invert_powerline": true,
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2",
          "properties": {
            "time_format": "_2,15:04"
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " \uf5ef {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }} ",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "type": "time"
      "type": "prompt"
      "alignment": "left",
      "newline": true,
      "segments": [
          "foreground": "#21c7c7",
          "style": "plain",
          "template": "\u2570\u2500",
          "type": "text"
          "foreground": "#e0f8ff",
          "foreground_templates": [
            "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#ef5350{{ end }}"
          "properties": {
            "always_enabled": true
          "style": "plain",
          "template": "\ue285\ufb00 ",
          "type": "exit"
      "type": "prompt"
  "version": 2

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Which shell are you using?

other (please specify)

Log output

Version: 9.5.0


ConsoleTitle(false) -   0 ms - 
shell(true)    -   0 ms - ╭─ WindowsTerminal 
root(false)    -   0 ms - 
path(true)     -   0 ms -   ~ 
git(false)     -  17 ms - 
kubectl(true)  -   1 ms - ﴱ tkg-cluster-1
os(true)       -   0 ms -   
battery(true)  -  10 ms -   89 
time(true)     -   0 ms -   22,16:31 
text(true)     -   0 ms - ╰─
exit(true)     -   0 ms - ff 

Run duration: 158.5447ms

Cache path: C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: C:\Users\test\.mytheme.omp.json


2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Getenv
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Getenv duration: 0s, args: LOCALAPPDATA
2022/09/22 16:31:04 CachePath duration: 562.9µs, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Getenv
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Getenv duration: 0s, args: POSH_THEME
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Shell
process name: cmd.exe
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Shell
parent process name: WindowsTerminal.exe
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 61.0619ms, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 resolveConfigPath duration: 61.0619ms, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Init duration: 127.2656ms, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Flags duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 config.loadConfig duration: 1.1713ms, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Flags duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Getenv

2022/09/22 16:31:04 Getenv duration: 0s, args: OMP_CACHE_DISABLED
2022/09/22 16:31:04 WindowsRegistryKeyValue duration: 0s, args: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM\ColorizationColor
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: WindowsRegistryKeyValue
ColorizationColor(DWORD): 0xC40078D7
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Root duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 ErrorCode duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 IsWsl duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: User
2022/09/22 16:31:04 User duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Host
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Host duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Flags duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Flags duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Root duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Flags duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 PathSeparator duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 PathSeparator duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 IsWsl duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 StackCount duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 DirIsWritable duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: CommandPath
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
2022/09/22 16:31:04 CommandPath duration: 15.6602ms, args: git.exe
2022/09/22 16:31:04 HasCommand duration: 15.6602ms, args: git.exe
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 error: HasParentFilePath
CreateFile C:\.git: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
2022/09/22 16:31:04 HasParentFilePath duration: 1.7069ms, args: .git
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Flags duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Getenv

2022/09/22 16:31:04 Getenv duration: 0s, args: KUBECONFIG
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: FileContent
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: *removed*
- cluster:
    server: https://tanzu.vsphere.local:6443
  name: supervisor-tanzu.vsphere.local
- cluster:
    server: https://tanzu.vsphere.local:6443
  name: tanzu.vsphere.local
- context:
    cluster: tanzu.vsphere.local
    user: wcp:tanzu.vsphere.local:test@vsphere.local
  name: tanzu.vsphere.local
- context:
    namespace: test01
    user: wcp:
  name: test01
- context:
    namespace: test02
    user: wcp:
  name: test02
- context:
    user: wcp:
  name: tkg-cluster-1
current-context: tkg-cluster-1
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: wcp:
    token: *removed*
- name: wcp:
    token: *removed*
- name: wcp:tanzu.vsphere.local:test@vsphere.local
    token: *removed*

2022/09/22 16:31:04 FileContent duration: 0s, args: C:\Users\test\.kube\config
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 IsWsl duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 BatteryState duration: 9.1151ms, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Flags duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Pwd
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Pwd duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Home
2022/09/22 16:31:04 GOOS duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 ErrorCode duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Shell duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 TemplateCache duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 debug: Getenv
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Getenv duration: 0s, args: LOCALAPPDATA
2022/09/22 16:31:04 CachePath duration: 0s, args: 
2022/09/22 16:31:04 Flags duration: 0s, args:
JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@andi-blafasl this is the problem right here:

Init duration: 127.2656ms, args: 

But that can't be shell specific (as to my knowledge). I'll check what could be the cause.

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@andi-blafasl the 150ms is actually not explainable unless the init script did not provide the shell name. I made sure to add it everywhere, the slowness in typing however can only be explained by tooltips being present. We might need to disable that when you're not actively using them. They're being rendered async, but maybe the version of clink is out of date on your end which causes that to render synchronous. So also please validate that.

andi-blafasl commented 1 year ago

Hi Jan, thank you for the quick reply. I'm using the latest version of cmder with embedded clink

clink --version

yes, i saw, that is a bit outdated.

but the init duration is nearly the same on all shells:

╭─ cmd   ~                                                           ﴱ tkg-cluster-1    89   23,11:21 
╰─ff oh-my-posh debug | head -n 40

Version: 9.5.0


ConsoleTitle(false) -   0 ms -
shell(true)    -   0 ms - ╭─ WindowsTerminal
root(false)    -   0 ms -
path(true)     -   0 ms -   ~
git(false)     -  17 ms -
kubectl(true)  -   1 ms - ﴱ tkg-cluster-1
os(true)       -   0 ms -   
battery(true)  -  10 ms -   89 
time(true)     -   0 ms -   23,11:32 
text(true)     -   0 ms - ╰─
exit(true)     -   0 ms - ff

Run duration: 147.5267ms

Cache path: C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: C:\Users\test\.mytheme.omp.json


2022/09/23 11:32:03 debug: Getenv
2022/09/23 11:32:03 Getenv duration: 0s, args: LOCALAPPDATA
2022/09/23 11:32:03 CachePath duration: 0s, args:
2022/09/23 11:32:03 debug: Getenv
2022/09/23 11:32:03 Getenv duration: 0s, args: POSH_THEME
2022/09/23 11:32:03 debug: Shell
process name: cmd.exe
2022/09/23 11:32:03 debug: Shell
parent process name: WindowsTerminal.exe
2022/09/23 11:32:03 Shell duration: 63.1079ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:32:03 resolveConfigPath duration: 63.1079ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:32:03 Init duration: 115.5407ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:32:03 Flags duration: 0s, args:
╭─ bash   ~                                                          ﴱ tkg-cluster-1    89   23,11:33 
╰─ff oh-my-posh debug | head -n 40

Version: 9.5.0


ConsoleTitle(false) -   0 ms -
shell(true)    -   0 ms - ╭─ bash
root(false)    -   0 ms -
path(true)     -   0 ms -   ~
git(false)     -   2 ms -
kubectl(true)  -   1 ms - ﴱ tkg-cluster-1
os(true)       -   0 ms -   
battery(true)  -  11 ms -   89 
time(true)     -   0 ms -   23,11:33 
text(true)     -   0 ms - ╰─
exit(true)     -   0 ms - ff

Run duration: 116.4311ms

Cache path: C:\Users\test\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: C:/Users/test/.mytheme.omp.json


2022/09/23 11:33:59 debug: Getenv
2022/09/23 11:33:59 Getenv duration: 0s, args: LOCALAPPDATA
2022/09/23 11:33:59 CachePath duration: 0s, args:
2022/09/23 11:33:59 debug: Getenv
2022/09/23 11:33:59 Getenv duration: 0s, args: POSH_THEME
2022/09/23 11:33:59 debug: Shell
process name: bash.exe
2022/09/23 11:33:59 Shell duration: 43.097ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:33:59 resolveConfigPath duration: 43.097ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:33:59 Init duration: 97.1822ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:33:59 Flags duration: 0s, args:
2022/09/23 11:33:59 config.loadConfig duration: 1.0485ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:33:59 Flags duration: 0s, args:
╰─ff oh-my-posh debug

Version: 9.5.0


ConsoleTitle(false) -   0 ms -
shell(true)    -   0 ms - ╭─ powershell
root(false)    -   0 ms -
path(true)     -   0 ms -   ~
git(false)     -  17 ms -
kubectl(true)  -   1 ms - ﴱ tkg-cluster-1
os(true)       -   0 ms -   
battery(true)  -   9 ms -   89 
time(true)     -   0 ms -   23,11:35 
text(true)     -   0 ms - ╰─
exit(true)     -   0 ms - ff

Run duration: 128.6534ms

Cache path: C:\Users\hoesl\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: C:\Users\hoesl\.mytheme.omp.json


2022/09/23 11:35:32 debug: Getenv
2022/09/23 11:35:32 Getenv duration: 0s, args: LOCALAPPDATA
2022/09/23 11:35:32 CachePath duration: 0s, args:
2022/09/23 11:35:32 debug: Getenv
2022/09/23 11:35:32 Getenv duration: 0s, args: POSH_THEME
2022/09/23 11:35:32 debug: Shell
process name: powershell.exe
2022/09/23 11:35:32 Shell duration: 43.06ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:35:32 resolveConfigPath duration: 43.06ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:35:32 Init duration: 95.9025ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:35:32 Flags duration: 0s, args:
2022/09/23 11:35:32 config.loadConfig duration: 1.2447ms, args:
2022/09/23 11:35:32 Flags duration: 0s, args:

any idea how to get detailed information why the init duration is so high?

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@andi-blafasl not immediately, it should not even resolve the shell name tbh. Not sure why it does that here. I'll validate myself on Windows as well.

andi-blafasl commented 1 year ago

just updated the clink binaries in cmder to the latest version

clink --version

and it is a little bit faster now: oh-my-posh-faster

No sure what you mean by disabling tooltips. Did not find anything in the clink documentation.

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@andi-blafasl that's something I did, if you install 10.0.1, in theory this should no longer be an issue (install + restart the terminal).

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