JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh

The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
MIT License
17.02k stars 2.37k forks source link

Weather segment is not rendered correctly sometimes #3206

Closed Dixin closed 1 year ago

Dixin commented 1 year ago

Code of Conduct

What happened?

A bug happened!

Weather segment is not rendered correctly with some weather icon.


In this screenshot, there is no config change. As the weather changes, the segment is rendered correctly with some weather icon, but rendered incorrectly with some other weather icon.

I am using WIndows 11 22H2. Everything is the latest version. The same problem shows up in PowerShell, CMD, and WSL.

Here is my weather segment:

    "type": "owm",
    "template": " {{.Weather}} {{.Temperature}}{{.UnitIcon}} ",
    "style": "powerline",
    "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
    "background": "#8a62da",
    "foreground": "#ffffff",
    "properties": {
        "apikey": "deleted",
        "location": "BELLEVUE,WA,US",
        "units": "metric",
        "http_timeout": 1000,
        "cache_timeout": 20

Debug output:


I found 2 ways to work around this:



I created this theme for myself.

    "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
    "version": 2,
    "final_space": true,
    "blocks": [
            "type": "prompt",
            "alignment": "left",
            "newline": true,
            "segments": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "template": "\u256d\u2500",
                    "style": "plain",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff"
                    "type": "os",
                    "template": "{{ if .WSL }}WSL at {{ end }}{{.Icon}} ",
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
                    "background": "#3A86FF",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff"
                    "type": "shell",
                    "template": " \uf489 {{ .Name }} ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#91f2ff",
                    "foreground": "#000000",
                    "properties": {
                        "mapped_shell_names": {
                            "pwsh": "PS"
                    "type": "session",
                    "template": " \uf508 {{ .UserName }} ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#9A348E",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff"
                    "type": "session",
                    "template": " \ufcbe {{ .HostName }} ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#fb7e14",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff"
                    "type": "root",
                    "template": " \uf0e7 ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#3A86FF",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "root_icon": "\uf292"
                    "type": "sysinfo",
                    "template": " \ufb19 CPU {{ round .PhysicalPercentUsed .Precision }}% ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#bd93f9",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff"
                    "type": "sysinfo",
                    "template": " \uf85a RAM {{ (div ((sub .PhysicalTotalMemory .PhysicalFreeMemory)|float64) 1000000000.0) }}/{{ (div .PhysicalTotalMemory 1000000000.0) }}GB ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#ffb86c",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff"
                    "type": "battery",
                    "template": " {{ if not .Error }}{{ .Icon }}{{ .Percentage }}{{ end }}{{ .Error }} ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#f36943",
                    "background_templates": [
                        "{{if eq \"Charging\" .State.String}}#b8e994{{end}}",
                        "{{if eq \"Discharging\" .State.String}}#fff34e{{end}}",
                        "{{if eq \"Full\" .State.String}}green{{end}}"
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "charged_icon": "\uf58e ",
                        "charging_icon": "\uf1e6 ",
                        "discharging_icon": "\ue234 "
                    "type": "owm",
                    "template": " {{.Weather}} {{.Temperature}}{{.UnitIcon}} \uf8c7 ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
                    "background": "#8a62da",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "apikey": "1da8cdbc64053abe53a1a2fbe7698d2f",
                        "location": "BELLEVUE,WA,US",
                        "units": "metric",
                        "http_timeout": 1000,
                        "cache_timeout": 20
                    "type": "time",
                    "template": " \uf5ef {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }} ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#ff79c6",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "time_format": "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
                    "type": "executiontime",
                    "template": " \uf608 {{ .FormattedMs }}s ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "background": "#1478DB",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "style": "dallas",
                        "threshold": 0
                    "type": "exit",
                    "template": " {{ if eq .Code 0 }}\uf6f4{{ end }}{{ if ne .Code 0 }}\uf119{{ end }} ",
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "trailing_diamond": "",
                    "background": "green",
                    "background_templates": [
                        "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#f1184c{{ end }}"
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "always_enabled": true
            "type": "prompt",
            "alignment": "left",
            "newline": true,
            "segments": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "template": "\u251c\u2500",
                    "style": "plain",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff"
                    "type": "git",
                    "template": "{{ .UpstreamIcon }} {{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uf044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }} \uf046 {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }}{{ if gt .StashCount 0 }} \uf692 {{ .StashCount }}{{ end }} ",
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
                    "background": "#733fc7",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "fetch_stash_count": true,
                        "fetch_status": true,
                        "fetch_upstream_icon": true
                    "type": "dotnet",
                    "template": " \uE77F {{ .Full }} ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
                    "background": "#00ffff",
                    "foreground": "#000000"
                    "type": "az",
                    "template": " \uFD03 {{ .EnvironmentName }} ",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
                    "background": "#9ec3f0",
                    "foreground": "#000000"
                    "type": "path",
                    "template": " \ue5ff {{ .Path }} ",
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "trailing_diamond": "",
                    "background": "#1357c4",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "style": "full"
            "type": "prompt",
            "alignment": "left",
            "newline": true,
            "segments": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "template": "\u2570\u2500",
                    "style": "plain",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff"
                    "type": "path",
                    "template": "\ufb26",
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
                    "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
                    "properties": {
                        "always_enabled": true
                    "background": "#ffffff",
                    "foreground": "#000000"

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Which shell are you using?


Log output

oh-my-posh debug

Version: 12.26.2


ConsoleTitle(false)  -   0 ms -
text(true)           -   1 ms - ╭─
os(true)             -   0 ms - 
shell(true)          -   2 ms -   PS
session(true)        -   0 ms -   User
session(true)        -   0 ms -  ﲾ beyond-s
root(false)          -   0 ms -
sysinfo(true)        -  56 ms -  ﬙ CPU 43%
sysinfo(true)        -  40 ms -   RAM 7/17GB
battery(true)        -  38 ms -   100
owm(true)            -   1 ms -  滛 0°C
time(true)           -   0 ms -   2022-12-15 04:31:21
executiontime(true)  -   1 ms -   0s
exit(true)           -   0 ms -   
text(true)           -   0 ms - ├─
git(true)            - 429 ms -   master ≡  ~1
dotnet(true)         - 174 ms -   7.0.101
az(false)            -   0 ms -
path(true)           -   3 ms -   D:\User\Code\Blog\Source\Blog 
text(true)           -   0 ms - ╰─
path(true)           -   0 ms - ﬦ

Run duration: 768.2565ms

Cache path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: D:\User\Dixin.omp.json


2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv: 0s, args: LOCALAPPDATA
2022/12/15 04:31:20 CachePath: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv: 0s, args: POSH_THEME
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell
process name: pwsh.exe
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 10.7554ms
2022/12/15 04:31:20 resolveConfigPath: 10.7554ms
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Init: 15.5137ms
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Flags: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 config.loadConfig: 1.9807ms
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Flags: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv

2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv: 0s, args: OMP_CACHE_DISABLED
2022/12/15 04:31:20 WindowsRegistryKeyValue: 0s, args: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM\ColorizationColor
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 WindowsRegistryKeyValue
ColorizationColor(DWORD): 0xC40063B1
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Flags: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Root: 1.0207ms
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 ErrorCode: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 IsWsl: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 User
2022/12/15 04:31:20 User: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Host
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Host: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 1.0207ms
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Flags: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv

2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv: 0s, args: SSH_CONNECTION
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv

2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv: 0s, args: SSH_CLIENT
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv

2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv: 0s, args: SSH_CONNECTION
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv

2022/12/15 04:31:20 Getenv: 0s, args: SSH_CLIENT
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Root: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:20 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:20 IsWsl: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 BatteryState: 36.6609ms
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 ExecutionTime: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 ErrorCode: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Flags: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 CommandPath
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
2022/12/15 04:31:21 CommandPath: 3.7443ms, args: git.exe
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasCommand: 3.7443ms, args: git.exe
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasParentFilePath: 580.5µs, args: .git
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Getenv

2022/12/15 04:31:21 Getenv: 0s, args: POSH_GIT_STATUS
2022/12/15 04:31:21 RunCommand
# branch.oid 8a42840316613a6c544cac653b70fab3b2e82ccc
# branch.head master
# branch.upstream origin/master
# branch.ab +0 -0
1 .M N... 100644 100644 100644 392962c71a0cbc55423444c37216c82f6e1efb9d 392962c71a0cbc55423444c37216c82f6e1efb9d Source/Blog/MediaManager/Program.cs
2022/12/15 04:31:21 RunCommand: 423.6687ms, args: git.exe -C D:/User/Code/Blog --no-optional-locks -c core.quotepath=false -c color.status=false status -unormal --branch --porcelain=2
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFolder
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFolder: 0s, args: D:\User\Code\Blog\.git/rebase-merge
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFolder
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFolder: 0s, args: D:\User\Code\Blog\.git/rebase-apply
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir: 468.9µs, args: MERGE_MSG
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir: 0s, args: CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir: 0s, args: REVERT_HEAD
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir: 0s, args: sequencer/todo
2022/12/15 04:31:21 FileContent
open D:\User\Code\Blog\.git/logs/refs/stash: The system cannot find the file specified.
2022/12/15 04:31:21 FileContent: 508µs, args: D:\User\Code\Blog\.git/logs/refs/stash
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFiles: 0s, args: *.cs
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFiles: 0s, args: *.csx
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFiles: 533.3µs, args: *.vb
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFiles: 0s, args: *.sln
2022/12/15 04:31:21 CommandPath
C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe
2022/12/15 04:31:21 CommandPath: 4.7879ms, args: dotnet
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasCommand: 4.7879ms, args: dotnet
2022/12/15 04:31:21 RunCommand
2022/12/15 04:31:21 RunCommand: 164.9003ms, args: dotnet --version
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 66µs
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Getenv

2022/12/15 04:31:21 Getenv: 0s, args: AZURE_CONFIG_DIR
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir: 529.8µs, args: azureProfile.json
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir
2022/12/15 04:31:21 HasFilesInDir: 92µs, args: azureProfile.json
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Getenv

2022/12/15 04:31:21 Getenv: 0s, args: POSH_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Flags: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 IsWsl: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 StackCount: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 isWriteable
current user is member of S-1-5-32-544
2022/12/15 04:31:21 isWriteable
2022/12/15 04:31:21 isWriteable
user has write access
2022/12/15 04:31:21 DirIsWritable: 2.3601ms
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Flags: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Flags: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Home
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 GOOS: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 PathSeparator: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Pwd: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 IsWsl: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 StackCount: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 isWriteable
current user is member of S-1-5-32-544
2022/12/15 04:31:21 isWriteable
2022/12/15 04:31:21 isWriteable
user has write access
2022/12/15 04:31:21 DirIsWritable: 580µs
2022/12/15 04:31:21 TemplateCache: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Shell: 0s
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Getenv
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Getenv: 0s, args: LOCALAPPDATA
2022/12/15 04:31:21 CachePath: 617.8µs
2022/12/15 04:31:21 Flags: 0s
JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Dixin thanks for the elaborate report. Unfortunately this is a terminal bug and not something we can fix.

github-actions[bot] commented 10 months ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity (i.e. last half year) after it was closed. It helps our maintainers focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar, please open a discussion first, complete the body with all the details necessary to reproduce, and mention this issue as reference.