JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh

The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
MIT License
16.79k stars 2.35k forks source link

Wrapping Right aligned block to next line in vscode. #4260

Closed bismitpanda closed 1 year ago

bismitpanda commented 1 year ago

Code of Conduct

What happened?

This is the image screen shot of the vscode terminal. image

It works correctly in the windows terminal, but not in vscode integrated terminal.


  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
  "version": 2,
  "blocks": [
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "type": "shell",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#0077c2",
          "leading_diamond": "\u256d\u2500\ue0b6",
          "template": " {{ .Name }} "
          "type": "root",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#FFFB38",
          "background": "#ef5350",
          "template": "<parentBackground>\ue0b4</> \uf0e7 ",
          "properties": {
            "root_icon": "\uf292"
          "type": "path",
          "style": "powerline",
          "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b4",
          "foreground": "#E4E4E4",
          "background": "#444444",
          "template": " {{ .Path }} ",
          "properties": {
            "style": "full"
          "type": "git",
          "style": "powerline",
          "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b4",
          "foreground": "#011627",
          "background": "#FFFB38",
          "background_templates": [
            "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}#ffeb95{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}#c5e478{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#C792EA{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}#C792EA{{ end }}"
          "template": " {{ .HEAD }} {{ if .Working.Changed }}{{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}<#ef5350> \uf046 {{ .Staging.String }}</>{{ end }} ",
          "properties": {
            "branch_icon": "\ue725 ",
            "fetch_status": true,
            "fetch_upstream_icon": true
          "type": "battery",
          "style": "powerline",
          "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b4",
          "foreground": "#193549",
          "background": "#ffeb3b",
          "background_templates": [
            "{{if eq \"Charging\" .State.String}}#40c4ff{{end}}",
            "{{if eq \"Discharging\" .State.String}}#ff5722{{end}}",
            "{{if eq \"Full\" .State.String}}#4caf50{{end}}"
          "template": " {{ if not .Error }}{{ .Icon }}{{ .Percentage }}{{ end }}\uf295 ",
          "properties": {
            "charged_icon": "\ue22f ",
            "charging_icon": "\ue234 ",
            "discharging_icon": "\ue231 "
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "right",
      "segments": [
          "type": "node",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#3C873A",
          "background": "#303030",
          "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "template": "\ue718 {{ if .PackageManagerIcon }}{{ .PackageManagerIcon }} {{ end }}{{ .Full }}",
          "properties": {
            "fetch_package_manager": true,
            "npm_icon": " <#cc3a3a>\ue5fa</> ",
            "yarn_icon": " <#348cba>\udb80\udd1b</>"
          "type": "rust",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#c44506",
          "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "template": " \ue7a8 {{ .Full }} "
          "type": "python",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#03a300",
          "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "template": " \ue235 {{ .Full }} "
          "type": "go",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#7FD5EA",
          "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "template": " \ue627 {{ .Full }} "
          "type": "java",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#ff5065",
          "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "template": " \ue738 {{ .Full }}"
          "type": "cmake",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#E8EAEE",
          "background": "#1E9748",
          "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "template": " \ue61e \ue61d cmake {{ .Full }} "
          "type": "time",
          "style": "diamond",
          "invert_powerline": true,
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#40c4ff",
          "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "template": " \udb80\udcf0 {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }} "
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "type": "text",
          "style": "plain",
          "foreground": "#0077c2",
          "template": "\u2570\u2500"
          "type": "text",
          "style": "plain",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "template": "$ ",
          "properties": {
            "always_enabled": true,
            "display_exit_code": false,
            "error_color": "#ef5350"
      "newline": true
  "osc99": true

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Which shell are you using?


Log output

Version: 18.9.1

Shell: powershell (5.1.22621.1778)


╭─ powershell  ~   100                                                                                                                                            󰃰 16:27:50 


ConsoleTitle(false)                       -   0 ms
Shell(true)                               -   1 ms
Root(false)                               -   1 ms
Path(true)                                -   0 ms
Git(false)                                -   3 ms
Battery(true)                             -  10 ms
Node(false)                               -   0 ms
Rust(false)                               -   0 ms
Python(false)                             -   0 ms
Go(false)                                 -   0 ms
Java(false)                               -   0 ms
Cmake(false)                              -   0 ms
Time(true)                                -   0 ms
Text(true)                                -   0 ms
Text(true)                                -   0 ms

Run duration: 18.5557ms

Cache path: C:\Users\Bismit Panda\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: C:\Users\Bismit Panda\rogue.omp.json


[DEBUG] 16:27:50.085 shell.go:Getenv:392 → vscode
[TRACE] 16:27:50.085 shell.go:Getenv(TERM_PROGRAM) - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.085 shell.go:Getenv:392 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 16:27:50.085 shell.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.085 shell_windows.go:CachePath() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.086 shell.go:Getenv:392 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda\rogue.omp.json
[TRACE] 16:27:50.086 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_THEME) - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.086 shell.go:Shell:632 → no shell name provided in flags, trying to detect it
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.090 shell.go:Shell:640 → process name: powershell.exe
[TRACE] 16:27:50.090 shell.go:Shell() - 4.8562ms
[TRACE] 16:27:50.090 shell.go:resolveConfigPath() - 4.8562ms
[TRACE] 16:27:50.090 shell.go:Init() - 5.4466ms
[TRACE] 16:27:50.090 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 config.go:loadConfig() - 613.9µs
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Getenv(OMP_CACHE_DISABLED) - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell_windows.go:WindowsRegistryKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM\ColorizationColor) - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell_windows.go:WindowsRegistryKeyValue:215 → ColorizationColor(DWORD): 0xC4404040
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Getenv:392 → 5.1.22621.1778
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_SHELL_VERSION) - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 debug.go:PrintDebug:22 → Segment: Title
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Getenv:392 → 4
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_LINE) - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Getenv:392 → 1
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_COLUMN) - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Pwd:422 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Battery
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Shell
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 properties.go:GetKeyValueMap:46 → mapped_shell_names: map[]
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell_windows.go:Root() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:StatusCodes() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.091 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.091 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Git
[TRACE] 16:27:50.092 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 properties.go:GetBool:22 → mapped_locations_enabled: true
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 properties.go:GetString:28 → 
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 properties.go:GetString:28 → 
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 properties.go:GetString:28 → ~
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 properties.go:GetKeyValueMap:46 → mapped_locations: map[]
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:StackCount() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:299 → not current user or in group
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:303 → current user is member of S-1-5-32-544
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:311 ↓
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.093 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:313 → user has write access
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell_windows.go:DirIsWritable() - 503.1µs
[TRACE] 16:27:50.093 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.095 shell.go:CommandPath:594 → C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
[TRACE] 16:27:50.095 shell.go:CommandPath(git.exe) - 2.3501ms
[TRACE] 16:27:50.095 shell.go:HasCommand(git.exe) - 2.3501ms
[TRACE] 16:27:50.095 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[ERROR] 16:27:50.095 shell.go:HasParentFilePath:728 → CreateFile .git: The system cannot find the file specified.
[TRACE] 16:27:50.095 shell.go:HasParentFilePath(.git) - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.095 properties.go:GetBool:22 → fetch_bare_info: false
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell_windows_nix.go:BatteryState() - 10.9338ms
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 properties.go:GetString:28 → 
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:  {{ if not .Error }}{{ .Icon }}{{ .Percentage }}{{ end }}
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:  {{ .Name }}
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:  {{ .Path }}
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.102 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{if eq "Charging" .State.String}}#40c4ff{{end}}
[TRACE] 16:27:50.102 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{if eq "Discharging" .State.String}}#ff5722{{end}}
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{if eq "Full" .State.String}}#4caf50{{end}}
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Time
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Rust
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetString:28 → 15:04:05
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.rs Cargo.toml Cargo.lock]
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: []
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Go
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Java
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.go go.mod]
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: []
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: []
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Node
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.js *.ts package.json .nvmrc pnpm-workspace.yaml .pnpmfile.cjs .npmrc .vue]
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: []
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetString:28 → environment
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Cmake
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.cmake CMakeLists.txt]
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.py *.ipynb pyproject.toml venv.bak]
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: [.venv venv virtualenv env venv-win pyenv-win]
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 16:27:50.103 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.103 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:  󰃰 {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }}
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 shell_windows.go:TerminalWidth:109 → terminal width: 181
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell_windows.go:TerminalWidth() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Text
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Text
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: $
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: ╰─
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Getenv:392 → vscode
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Getenv(TERM_PROGRAM) - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Getenv:392 → C:\Users\Bismit Panda\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell_windows.go:CachePath() - 0s
[TRACE] 16:27:50.104 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@blood-rogue this is a bug in vscode on Windows. The \udb80\udcf0 icon is printed with two spaces causing the (correct) calculation of the width to be off by one when printing. This doesn't happen on macOS using vscode, so it's on them to solve this in their renderer.

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity (i.e. last half year) after it was closed. It helps our maintainers focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar, please open a discussion first, complete the body with all the details necessary to reproduce, and mention this issue as reference.