JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh

The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
MIT License
17.01k stars 2.37k forks source link

Init command does not seem to work correctly recently #4364

Closed Lenghak closed 11 months ago

Lenghak commented 11 months ago

Code of Conduct

What happened?

This is what I see when running the init command with custom theme in Debian and Arch.



slim.omp.json (Default)

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
  "blocks": [
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#26C6DA",
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0c7\u2593",
          "properties": {
            "alpine": "\uf300",
            "arch": "\uf303",
            "centos": "\uf304",
            "debian": "\uf306",
            "elementary": "\uf309",
            "fedora": "\uf30a",
            "gentoo": "\uf30d",
            "linux": "\ue712",
            "macos": "\ue711",
            "manjaro": "\uf312",
            "mint": "\uf30f",
            "opensuse": "\uf314",
            "raspbian": "\uf315",
            "ubuntu": "\uf31c",
            "windows": "\ue70f"
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " {{ if .WSL }}\ue712 on {{ end }}{{ .Icon }}<#7a7a7a> \ue0b1</>",
          "type": "os"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#fafafa",
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " {{ if ne .Env.POSH_SESSION_DEFAULT_USER .UserName }}<#77f5d6>{{ .UserName }}</><#7a7a7a>\uf1fa</>{{ end }}<#2EEFBF>{{ .HostName }}</><#7a7a7a> \ue0b1</>",
          "type": "session"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#ffff66",
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " \uf0e7<#7a7a7a> \ue0b1</>",
          "type": "root"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#fafafa",
          "properties": {
            "folder_icon": "<#B5B2C2>\ue5fe </>",
            "folder_separator_icon": "<#B5B2C2>\ue0bf </>",
            "home_icon": "\uf015",
            "style": "agnoster_short"
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": "<#f2f200> \ue5ff </>{{ .Path }} ",
          "type": "path"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#ffeb3b",
          "foreground_templates": [
            "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}#ffeb3b{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#2EC4B6{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}#8A4FFF{{ end }}"
          "properties": {
            "fetch_stash_count": true,
            "fetch_status": true,
            "fetch_upstream_icon": true
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": "<#7a7a7a>\ue0b1 </>{{ .UpstreamIcon }}{{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }}<#E84855> \uf044 {{ .Working.String }}</>{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}<#2FDA4E> \uf046 {{ .Staging.String }}</>{{ end }}{{ if gt .StashCount 0 }} \ueb4b {{ .StashCount }}{{ end }} ",
          "type": "git"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#fafafa",
          "style": "diamond",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b0",
          "type": "text"
      "type": "prompt"
      "alignment": "right",
      "segments": [
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#fafafa",
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2",
          "style": "diamond",
          "type": "text"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#6CA35E",
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " \ue718 {{ if .PackageManagerIcon }}{{ .PackageManagerIcon }} {{ end }}{{ .Full }}<#7a7a7a> \ue0b3</>",
          "type": "node"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#96E072",
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " \ue235 {{ if .Error }}{{ .Error }}{{ else }}{{ if .Venv }}{{ .Venv }} {{ end }}{{ .Full }}{{ end }}<#7a7a7a> \ue0b3</>",
          "type": "python"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#3891A6",
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " \ue77f {{ if .Unsupported }}\uf071{{ else }}{{ .Full }}{{ end }}<#7a7a7a> \ue0b3</>",
          "type": "dotnet"
          "background": "#2f2f2f",
          "foreground": "#fafafa",
          "properties": {
            "time_format": "15:04:05"
          "style": "diamond",
          "template": " {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }}<#007ACC> \ue641 </>",
          "trailing_diamond": "\u2593\ue0c6",
          "type": "time"
      "type": "prompt"
      "alignment": "left",
      "newline": true,
      "segments": [
          "foreground": "#7a7a7a",
          "style": "plain",
          "template": "~#@\u276f",
          "type": "text"
      "type": "prompt"
      "alignment": "right",
      "segments": [
          "foreground": "#7a7a7a",
          "style": "plain",
          "template": " \u276e ",
          "type": "text"
          "foreground": "#FFCE5C",
          "properties": {
            "style": "roundrock",
            "threshold": 500
          "style": "plain",
          "template": " {{ .FormattedMs }}<#fafafa> \uf252 </>",
          "type": "executiontime"
          "foreground": "#9FD356",
          "foreground_templates": [
            "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#E84855{{ end }}"
          "properties": {
            "always_enabled": true
          "style": "plain",
          "template": " \uea9f {{ if gt .Code 0 }}{{ .Code }}{{ end }} ",
          "type": "status"
      "type": "rprompt"
  "console_title_template": "{{if .Root}}root :: {{end}}{{.Shell}} :: {{.Folder}}",
  "final_space": true,
  "transient_prompt": {
    "background": "transparent",
    "foreground": "#7a7a7a",
    "template": " ~#@\u276f "
  "version": 2

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Which shell are you using?


Log output

Version: 18.14.0

Shell: bash


 localhost   themes                                                                          in bash at 16:44:35


ConsoleTitle(true)                        -   0 ms
Session(true)                             -   0 ms
Path(true)                                -   1 ms
Git(false)                                -   1 ms
Root(false)                               -   0 ms
Exit(true)                                -   0 ms
Node(false)                               -   1 ms
Go(false)                                 -   1 ms
Python(false)                             -   1 ms
Shell(true)                               -   0 ms
Time(true)                                -   0 ms

Run duration: 7.112682ms

Cache path: /home/localhost

Config path: no --config set, using default built-in configuration


[DEBUG] 16:44:35.808 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.808 shell.go:Getenv(TERM_PROGRAM) - 15.209µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.808 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.808 shell.go:Getenv(OMP_CACHE_DIR) - 2.515µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.808 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.808 shell.go:Getenv(XDG_CACHE_HOME) - 1.532µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.808 shell_unix.go:CachePath() - 11.481µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_THEME) - 3.376µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:resolveConfigPath:318 → No config set, fallback to default config
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:resolveConfigPath() - 11.923µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Init() - 155.104µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Flags() - 50ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 config.go:loadConfig:129 → no config file specified, using default
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 config.go:loadConfig() - 21.22µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Flags() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Getenv(OMP_CACHE_DISABLED) - 1.983µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Shell:646 → no shell name provided in flags, trying to detect it
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Shell:654 → process name: bash
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Shell() - 794.559µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.809 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_SHELL_VERSION) - 2.234µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 debug.go:PrintDebug:22 → Segment: Title
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.809 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{ .Shell }} in {{ .Folder }}
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:Root() - 341ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Shell() - 80ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:StatusCodes() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:IsWsl:35 → true
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:IsWsl() - 3.376µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:TemplateCache:827 → environment: [SHELL=/bin/bash WSL2_GUI_APPS_ENABLED=1 WSL_DISTRO_NAME=Debian NAME=Lenghak PWD=/root/themes LOGNAME=localhost HOME=/home/localhost LANG=en_US.UTF-8 WSL_INTEROP=/run/WSL/326_interop LS_COLORS=rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=00:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.avif=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:*~=00;90:*#=00;90:*.bak=00;90:*.old=00;90:*.orig=00;90:*.part=00;90:*.rej=00;90:*.swp=00;90:*.tmp=00;90:*.dpkg-dist=00;90:*.dpkg-old=00;90:*.ucf-dist=00;90:*.ucf-new=00;90:*.ucf-old=00;90:*.rpmnew=00;90:*.rpmorig=00;90:*.rpmsave=00;90: WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 TERM=xterm-256color USER=localhost DISPLAY=:0 SHLVL=1 XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/mnt/wslg/runtime-dir WSLENV= PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib:/mnt/c/Program Files/Common Files/Oracle/Java/javapath:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32:/mnt/c/WINDOWS:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX/Common:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA NvDLISR:/mnt/d/Program Files/Git/cmd:/mnt/c/xampp/php:/mnt/c/composer:/mnt/c/Swift/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/PostgreSQL/15/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/GitHub CLI/:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Roaming/nvm:/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs:/mnt/c/Program Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/platform-tools:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/tools:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/jdk-11.0.2/bin:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/pnpm:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/d/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Programs/oh-my-posh/bin:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Roaming/npm:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Roaming/Composer/vendor/bin:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/mnt/d/Program Files/JetBrains/WebStorm 2023.1.3/bin:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/.deno/bin:/mnt/c/Users/ASUS/AppData/Roaming/nvm:/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs HOSTTYPE=x86_64 PULSE_SERVER=unix:/mnt/wslg/PulseServer _=/usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh OLDPWD=/root]
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd:422 → /root/themes
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd() - 8.837µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:User:557 → localhost
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:User() - 2.054µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Host:569 → Lenghak
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Host() - 2.945µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:Platform:77 → debian
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Getenv:392 → 1
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Getenv(SHLVL) - 1.914µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 74.131µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_LINE) - 2.114µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_COLUMN) - 1.423µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Flags() - 40ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Flags() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Shell() - 40ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Shell() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Flags() - 140ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Flags() - 260ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetString:28 → {{ .Code }}
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd() - 80ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd() - 81ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Path
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Exit
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:StatusCodes() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{ .Code }}
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Shell() - 100ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Shell() - 50ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Flags() - 180ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd() - 110ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Git
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:IsWsl:35 → true
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:IsWsl() - 3.096µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetBool:22 → mapped_locations_enabled: true
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetString:28 → 
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetString:28 → 
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 70ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetString:28 → ~
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Flags() - 181ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:FileContent:531 ↓

[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetKeyValueMap:46 → mapped_locations: map[]
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:FileContent(/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease) - 27.823µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 101ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:IsWsl2() - 36.269µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd() - 100ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd() - 60ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Root
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:Root() - 621ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 20ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetString:28 → folder
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 201ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetString:28 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetString:28 → /
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:Pwd() - 50ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 properties.go:GetBool:22 → always_enabled: true
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:IsWsl:35 → true
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 50ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.810 shell_unix.go:IsWsl() - 2.304µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:Flags() - 180ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:Pwd() - 190ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:GOOS() - 90ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.811 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Session
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:Getenv(SSH_CONNECTION) - 2.565µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:Getenv(SSH_CLIENT) - 1.803µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 130ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:RunCommand:587 → //wsl.localhost/Debian/root/themes
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:RunCommand(wslpath -m /root/themes) - 1.515412ms
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:StackCount() - 80ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell_unix.go:DirIsWritable(/root/themes) - 4.459µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 110ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:RunCommand:587 → //wsl.localhost/Debian/root/themes
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:RunCommand(wslpath -m /root/themes) - 1.592333ms
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:GOOS() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:CommandPath:608 → /usr/bin/git
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:CommandPath(git) - 16.2µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:HasCommand(git) - 18.655µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:Pwd() - 90ns
[ERROR] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:HasParentFilePath:742 → stat .git: no such file or directory
[TRACE] 16:44:35.811 shell.go:HasParentFilePath(.git) - 43.874µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.811 properties.go:GetBool:22 → fetch_bare_info: false
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.811 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:  {{ if gt .Code 0 }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.812 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:   {{ path .Path .Location }}
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.812 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:  {{ if .SSHSession }} {{ end }}{{ .UserName }}
[TRACE] 16:44:35.812 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 221ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.812 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 180ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.812 shell.go:Shell() - 80ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.812 shell.go:Shell() - 70ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.812 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 200ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.812 shell.go:Shell() - 80ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.812 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.812 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{ if gt .Code 0 }}p:red{{ end }}
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 221ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Shell() - 60ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Shell() - 40ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Shell() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Shell() - 20ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Getenv(OMP_CACHE_DISABLED) - 1.984µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Flags() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Flags() - 101ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Pwd() - 70ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:GOOS() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Time
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Flags() - 140ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 101ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Flags() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Pwd() - 70ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Pwd() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:GOOS() - 40ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:GOOS() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Go
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Shell
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 properties.go:GetKeyValueMap:46 → mapped_shell_names: map[]
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.go go.mod]
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Shell() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: []
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Flags() - 150ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Pwd() - 30ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 properties.go:GetString:28 → files
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 properties.go:GetString:28 → files
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Pwd() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Pwd() - 70ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:GOOS() - 41ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Flags() - 251ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:HasFiles(*.go) - 119.607µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.813 shell.go:Pwd() - 60ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.813 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Python
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.py *.ipynb pyproject.toml venv.bak]
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: [.venv venv virtualenv venv-win pyenv-win]
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 201ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 180ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:GOOS() - 50ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetBool:22 → fetch_virtual_env: false
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Node
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 50ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.js *.ts package.json .nvmrc pnpm-workspace.yaml .pnpmfile.cjs .npmrc .vue]
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: []
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 291ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetString:28 → files
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 properties.go:GetBool:22 → fetch_package_manager: false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 50ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(*.py) - 179.662µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 50ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(*.js) - 128.363µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(*.ipynb) - 136.489µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(*.ts) - 99.358µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(pyproject.toml) - 114.517µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 60ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(package.json) - 111.152µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 110ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(venv.bak) - 84.32µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder:501 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder(.venv) - 7.625µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder:501 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder(venv) - 3.256µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder:501 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder(virtualenv) - 2.875µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder:501 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder(venv-win) - 4.188µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder:501 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFolder(pyenv-win) - 3.677µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(.nvmrc) - 155.204µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 70ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles(pnpm-workspace.yaml) - 256.166µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:Pwd() - 70ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.814 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:HasFiles(go.mod) - 1.445295ms
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:HasFiles(.pnpmfile.cjs) - 87.526µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Pwd() - 20ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:HasFiles(.npmrc) - 64.663µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Pwd() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:HasFiles:458 → false
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:HasFiles(.vue) - 55.075µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: at <p:blue><b>{{ .CurrentDate | date "15:04:05" }}</b></>
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: in <p:blue><b>{{ .Name }}</b></>
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 130ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 221ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Shell() - 60ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Shell() - 80ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.815 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Shell() - 70ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Shell() - 20ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Flags() - 40ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Shell() - 30ns
[TRACE] 16:44:35.815 shell.go:Shell() - 20ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.816 shell_unix.go:TerminalWidth:70 → terminal width: 120
[TRACE] 16:44:35.816 shell_unix.go:TerminalWidth() - 597.795µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.816 shell.go:Flags() - 40ns
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.816 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.816 shell.go:Getenv(OMP_CACHE_DIR) - 2.335µs
[DEBUG] 16:44:35.816 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 16:44:35.816 shell.go:Getenv(XDG_CACHE_HOME) - 1.633µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.816 shell_unix.go:CachePath() - 11.372µs
[TRACE] 16:44:35.816 shell.go:Flags() - 30ns
JanDeDobbeleer commented 11 months ago

@Lenghak what do you mean, doesn't work correctly anymore? I don't see an actual error, can you elaborate a bit more?

Lenghak commented 11 months ago

@JanDeDobbeleer . My bad, I didn't state my problem a little bit clearer. It was like this:

Update : I have run a command from the official docs eval "$(oh-my-posh init bash --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json)" which is now change my theme but its say config error.