JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh

The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
MIT License
17.02k stars 2.37k forks source link

Failed to update #4438

Closed reginaldosnunes closed 11 months ago

reginaldosnunes commented 11 months ago

Code of Conduct

What happened?

When trying to update with administrative privileges or without I receive the following error message,:

Failed in attempting to update the source: winget No applicable update found.



{ "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json", "blocks": [ { "alignment": "left", "segments": [ { "background": "#feae34", "foreground": "#262b44", "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6", "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0", "properties": { "style": "folder" }, "style": "diamond", "template": " \ue5ff {{ .Path }} ", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b0", "type": "path" }, { "background": "#fee761", "background_templates": [ "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}#f77622{{ end }}", "{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}#e43b44{{ end }}", "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#2ce8f5{{ end }}", "{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}#f77622{{ end }}" ], "foreground": "#262b44", "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0", "properties": { "fetch_stash_count": true, "fetch_status": true, "fetch_upstream_icon": true }, "style": "powerline", "template": " {{ .UpstreamIcon }}{{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }} \uf046 {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uf044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if gt .StashCount 0 }} \ueb4b {{ .StashCount }}{{ end }} ", "type": "git" }, { "background": "#0095e9", "background_templates": [ "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#ff0044{{ end }}" ], "foreground": "#ffffff", "leading_diamond": "<transparent,background>\ue0b0</>", "properties": { "always_enabled": true }, "style": "diamond", "template": " \uf0e7 ", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4", "type": "status" } ], "type": "prompt" } ], "final_space": true, "version": 2 }

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Which shell are you using?


Log output

Version: 18.11.0

Shell: pwsh (7.3.9)


 Reginaldo   ~                                                                     in pwsh at 14:53:32

ConsoleTitle(true)                        -   0 ms
Session(true)                             -   0 ms
Path(true)                                -   2 ms
Git(false)                                -  22 ms
Root(false)                               -   0 ms
Exit(true)                                -   1 ms
Node(false)                               -   0 ms
Go(false)                                 -   0 ms
Python(false)                             -   0 ms
Shell(true)                               -   0 ms
Time(true)                                -   0 ms

Run duration: 34.6577ms

Cache path: C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: no --config set, using default built-in configuration


[DEBUG] 14:53:32.390 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 14:53:32.390 shell.go:Getenv(TERM_PROGRAM) - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.390 shell.go:Getenv:392 → C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 14:53:32.390 shell.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.390 shell_windows.go:CachePath() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_THEME) - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:resolveConfigPath:318 → No config set, fallback to default config
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:resolveConfigPath() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:Init() - 956.5µs
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.391 config.go:loadConfig:129 → no config file specified, using default
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 config.go:loadConfig() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:Getenv(OMP_CACHE_DISABLED) - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell_windows.go:WindowsRegistryKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM\ColorizationColor) - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.391 shell_windows.go:WindowsRegistryKeyValue:215 → ColorizationColor(DWORD): 0xC4555555
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.391 shell.go:Shell:646 → no shell name provided in flags, trying to detect it
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.399 shell.go:Shell:654 → process name: pwsh.exe
[TRACE] 14:53:32.399 shell.go:Shell() - 7.9973ms
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.399 shell.go:Getenv:392 → 7.3.9
[TRACE] 14:53:32.399 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_SHELL_VERSION) - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.399 debug.go:PrintDebug:22 → Segment: Title
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.399 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{ .Shell }} in {{ .Folder }}
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell_windows.go:Root() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:StatusCodes() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:TemplateCache:827 → environment: [ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData ANDROID_HOME=C:\Android\Sdk APPDATA=C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Roaming CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER=False C_EM64T_REDIST11=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Files\cpp\ ChocolateyInstall=C:\ProgramData\chocolatey ChocolateyLastPathUpdate=133370025034544972 CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files COMPUTERNAME=DESKTOP-0SH3ULM ComSpec=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe DokanLibrary1=C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.5.1\ DokanLibrary1_LibraryPath_x64=C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.5.1\lib\ DokanLibrary1_LibraryPath_x86=C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.5.1\x86\lib\ DriverData=C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData GOPATH=C:\Users\Reginaldo\go HOMEDRIVE=C: HOMEPATH=\Users\Reginaldo INTEL_DEV_REDIST=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Libraries\ JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk- LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local LOGONSERVER=\\DESKTOP-0SH3ULM MICRO_TRUECOLOR=1 MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Libraries\compiler\lib\mic MSBuildSdksPath=C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.401\Sdks NDI_RUNTIME_DIR_V2=C:\Program Files\NDI.tv\NDI 4 Tools\Runtime NDI_RUNTIME_DIR_V3=C:\Program Files\NDI.tv\NDI 4 Tools\Runtime NDI_RUNTIME_DIR_V4=C:\Program Files\NDI.tv\NDI 4 Tools\Runtime NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=4 OneDrive=C:\Users\Reginaldo\OneDrive OPCODE6DIR64=C:\Program Files\Csound6_x64\plugins64\ OS=Windows_NT Path=C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Files\cpp\bin\Intel64;C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Libraries\redist\intel64\compiler;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Streamlink\bin;C:\Program Files\Csound6_x64\bin;c:\Windows\SysWOW64\;c:\Windows\Sysnative\;C:\Program Files\GitHub CLI\;C:\Program Files\Go\bin;C:\Program Files\Vim\vim90;C:\Program Files\Neovim\bin;C:\Users\Reginaldo\cmdtools\w64devkit\bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\gradle\bin;C:\Program Files\lua-5.4.2_Win64_bin;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files\gs\gs10.02.0\bin;c:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\;C:\Users\Reginaldo\.pyenv\pyenv-win\bin;C:\Users\Reginaldo\.pyenv\pyenv-win\shims;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310;C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts;C:\Users\Reginaldo\.cargo\bin;C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37;C:\Users\Reginaldo\scoop\shims;C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\Reginaldo\cmdtools;d:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient;D:\DEV\COMPILER\MinGW\bin;C:\Android\Sdk\emulator;C:\Android\Sdk\tools;C:\Android\Sdk\tools\bin;C:\Android\Sdk\platform-tools;c:\php;C:\Users\Reginaldo\go\bin;C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\bin;C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\Pandoc\;C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Links;C:\Users\Reginaldo\.dotnet\tools;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\deno;C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\Reginaldo\cmdtools\cmake-3.27.6-windows-x86_64\bin PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC;.CPL POSH_AZURE_ENABLED=False POSH_CURSOR_COLUMN=1 POSH_CURSOR_LINE=6 POSH_GIT_ENABLED=False POSH_INSTALLER=winget POSH_PID=12292 POSH_SHELL_VERSION=7.3.9 POSH_THEMES_PATH=C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes POWERLINE_COMMAND=oh-my-posh POWERSHELL_DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL=MSI:Windows 10 Pro PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=AMD64 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel PROCESSOR_LEVEL=6 PROCESSOR_REVISION=3a09 PROG27B48B2C054=1 ProgramData=C:\ProgramData ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files PSModulePath=C:\Users\Reginaldo\Documents\PowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules;c:\program files\powershell\7\Modules;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public PYENV=C:\Users\Reginaldo\.pyenv\pyenv-win\ PYENV_HOME=C:\Users\Reginaldo\.pyenv\pyenv-win\ PYENV_ROOT=C:\Users\Reginaldo\.pyenv\pyenv-win\ PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files\Csound6_x64\bin\; RAWWAVE_PATH=C:\Program Files\Csound6_x64\samples\ SystemDrive=C: SystemRoot=C:\WINDOWS TEMP=C:\Users\REGINA~1\AppData\Local\Temp TMP=C:\Users\REGINA~1\AppData\Local\Temp USERDOMAIN=DESKTOP-0SH3ULM USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE=DESKTOP-0SH3ULM USERNAME=Reginaldo USERPROFILE=C:\Users\Reginaldo windir=C:\WINDOWS WSLENV=WT_SESSION::WT_PROFILE_ID WT_PROFILE_ID={574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336} WT_SESSION=a16981a2-7bf7-4cd3-84a6-2c8f6c8cf0a9]
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Pwd:422 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:User:557 → Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:User() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Host:569 → DESKTOP-0SH3ULM
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Host() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv(SHLVL) - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv:392 → 6
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_LINE) - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv:392 → 1
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_COLUMN) - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 properties.go:GetString:28 → {{ .Code }}
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Session
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv(SSH_CONNECTION) - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Exit
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv:392 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Getenv(SSH_CLIENT) - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:StatusCodes() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{ .Code }}
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Root
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.400 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Path
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.400 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell_windows.go:Root() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Git
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 properties.go:GetBool:22 → mapped_locations_enabled: true
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 properties.go:GetString:28 → 
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 properties.go:GetString:28 → 
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 properties.go:GetString:28 → ~
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 properties.go:GetKeyValueMap:46 → mapped_locations: map[]
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.401 properties.go:GetBool:22 → always_enabled: true
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.401 shell.go:StackCount() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.402 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:299 → not current user or in group
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.402 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:303 → current user is member of S-1-5-32-544
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.402 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:311 ↓
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.402 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:313 → user has write access
[TRACE] 14:53:32.402 shell_windows.go:DirIsWritable() - 997.8µs
[TRACE] 14:53:32.402 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.421 shell.go:CommandPath:608 → c:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
[TRACE] 14:53:32.421 shell.go:CommandPath(git.exe) - 20.7051ms
[TRACE] 14:53:32.421 shell.go:HasCommand(git.exe) - 20.7051ms
[TRACE] 14:53:32.421 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[ERROR] 14:53:32.422 shell.go:HasParentFilePath:742 → CreateFile .git: The system cannot find the file specified.
[TRACE] 14:53:32.422 shell.go:HasParentFilePath(.git) - 999.8µs
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 properties.go:GetBool:22 → fetch_bare_info: false
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:  {{ if gt .Code 0 }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:  {{ if .SSHSession }} {{ end }}{{ .UserName }}
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template:   {{ path .Path .Location }}
[TRACE] 14:53:32.422 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.422 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.422 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.422 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.422 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: {{ if gt .Code 0 }}p:red{{ end }}
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: diamond
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetString:28 → files
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Time
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Node
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Python
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetString:28 → 15:04:05
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Go
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.js *.ts package.json .nvmrc pnpm-workspace.yaml .pnpmfile.cjs .npmrc .vue]
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → extensions: [*.go go.mod]
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: []
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: [.venv venv virtualenv env venv-win pyenv-win]
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetStringArray:52 → folders: []
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 segment.go:SetEnabled:497 → Segment: Shell
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetBool:22 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 properties.go:GetKeyValueMap:46 → mapped_shell_names: map[]
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 shell_windows.go:56 → C:\Users\Reginaldo
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: in <p:blue><b>{{ .Name }}</b></>
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: at <p:blue><b>{{ .CurrentDate | date "15:04:05" }}</b></>
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.423 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.423 text.go:Render:70 → Rendering template: plain
[TRACE] 14:53:32.424 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.424 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.424 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.424 shell.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.424 shell_windows.go:TerminalWidth:109 → terminal width: 110
[TRACE] 14:53:32.424 shell_windows.go:TerminalWidth() - 0s
[DEBUG] 14:53:32.424 shell.go:Getenv:392 → C:\Users\Reginaldo\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 14:53:32.424 shell.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.424 shell_windows.go:CachePath() - 0s
[TRACE] 14:53:32.424 shell.go:Flags() - 0s
JanDeDobbeleer commented 11 months ago

@reginaldosnunes that implies you have the latest update available via winget. They take a little longer to update their repo.

reginaldosnunes commented 11 months ago

Thank you very much, I will wait for the repo update.

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity (i.e. last half year) after it was closed. It helps our maintainers focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar, please open a discussion first, complete the body with all the details necessary to reproduce, and mention this issue as reference.