JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh

The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
MIT License
17.01k stars 2.37k forks source link

Auto-update causes extra characters to appear in initial prompt #5215

Closed chunderbolt closed 3 months ago

chunderbolt commented 3 months ago

Code of Conduct

What happened?

After an update, extra characters have begun appearing upon initial shell load:


By pressing enter and causing the prompt to be drawn again, they are no longer there.

If I disable auto-update, they don't appear:



Modified night-owl. ```json { "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json", "auto_upgrade": true, "blocks": [ { "alignment": "left", "segments": [ { "background": "#21c7a8", "foreground": "#011627", "leading_diamond": "\u256d\u2500\ue0b6", "properties": { "windows": "\ue62a" }, "style": "diamond", "template": " {{ if .WSL }}WSL at {{ end }}{{.Icon}} ", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b0", "type": "os" }, { "background": "#ef5350", "foreground": "#ffeb95", "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0", "style": "powerline", "template": " \uf292 ", "type": "root" }, { "background": "#d6deeb", "foreground": "#011627", "leading_diamond": "\ue0b0", "style": "diamond", "template": " \uf489 {{ .Name }} ", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b0", "type": "shell" }, { "background": "#82AAFF", "foreground": "#011627", "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0", "properties": { "folder_icon": "\uf07c ", "folder_separator_icon": " <#011627>\ue0b1 ", "home_icon": "\ueb06 ", "mapped_locations": { "C:/Users": "\uf007 ", "C:/Windows": "\ue62a " }, "max_depth": 1, "style": "agnoster_short" }, "style": "powerline", "template": " {{ path .Path .Location }} ", "type": "path" }, { "background": "#addb67", "background_templates": [ "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}#e4cf6a{{ end }}", "{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}#f78c6c{{ end }}", "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#C792EA{{ end }}", "{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}#c792ea{{ end }}" ], "foreground": "#011627", "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0", "properties": { "branch_icon": "\ue725 ", "branch_max_length": 20, "truncate_symbol": "*", "fetch_stash_count": false, "fetch_status": true, "commit_icon": "\uF417 " }, "style": "powerline", "template": " {{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uf044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }} \uf046 {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }}{{ if gt .StashCount 0 }} \ueb4b {{ .StashCount }}{{ end }} ", "type": "git" }, { "background": "#575656", "foreground": "#d6deeb", "leading_diamond": "\ue0b0", "properties": { "style": "roundrock", "threshold": 0 }, "style": "diamond", "template": " {{ .FormattedMs }}", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4", "type": "executiontime" } ], "type": "prompt" }, { "alignment": "right", "overflow": "break", "segments": [ { "background": "#ffffff", "foreground": "#337bb6", "background_templates": [ "{{ if .Name | eq \"VSPS\" }}#FF0000{{ end }}" ], "foreground_templates": [ "{{ if .Name | eq \"VSPS\" }}#FFFFFF{{ end }}" ], "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6", "style": "diamond", "template": "\uebd8 {{ if .Name | eq \"snip\" }}{{ \"snip\" }}{{ else }}{{ .Name }}{{ end }} ", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b2", "type": "az" }, { "type": "python", "style": "diamond", "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b2", "foreground": "#100e23", "background": "#906cff", "properties": { "display_mode": "context", "cache_version": true }, "template": "  {{ .Venv }} {{ .Full }} " }, { "background": "#316ce4", "foreground": "#ffffff", "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2", "style": "diamond", "template": "{{ if .Context | ne \"snip\" }}\udb84\udcfe {{.Context}} {{end}}", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b2", "properties": { "parse_kubeconfig": true }, "type": "kubectl" }, { "background": "#5c33b8", "foreground": "#0d6da8", "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2", "style": "diamond", "template": "\ue77f {{ if .Unsupported }}\uf071{{ else }}{{ .Full }}{{ end }}", "properties": { "fetch_version": false }, "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b2", "type": "dotnet" }, { "background": "#234d70", "foreground": "#d6deeb", "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2", "properties": { "time_format": "15:04:05" }, "style": "diamond", "template": "\ue641 {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }}", "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4", "type": "time" } ], "type": "prompt" }, { "alignment": "left", "newline": true, "segments": [ { "foreground": "#21c7a8", "style": "plain", "template": "\u2570\u2500", "type": "text" }, { "foreground": "#22da6e", "foreground_templates": ["{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#ef5350{{ end }}"], "properties": { "always_enabled": true }, "style": "plain", "template": "\ue285\ue285", "type": "status" } ], "type": "prompt" } ], "console_title_template": "{{ .Folder }}", "final_space": true, "transient_prompt": { "background": "transparent", "foreground": "#d6deeb", "template": "\ue285 " }, "version": 2 } ```

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Which shell are you using?


Log output

Version: 21.20.2

Shell: bash (5.2.26(1)-release)


╭─      bash  ]8;;file:C:/Users/Dev/source/repos\      repos]8;;\  0ms                                                                                                                                   snip 󱃾 k8s-cluster  22:22:22


ConsoleTitle(true)                         -   0 ms
Os(true)                                   -   0 ms
Shell(true)                                -   0 ms
Path(true)                                 -   0 ms
Executiontime(true)                        -   0 ms
Az(true)                                   -   0 ms
Kubectl(true)                              -   0 ms
Time(true)                                 -   0 ms
Text(true)                                 -   0 ms
Status(true)                               -   0 ms

Run duration: 37.9865ms

Cache path: C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: C:/Users/Dev/.omp-themes/night-owl-custom.omp.jsonc


[DEBUG] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Getenv:306 → C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.922 os_windows.go:CachePath() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Getenv:306 → C:/Users/Dev/.omp-themes/night-owl-custom.omp.jsonc
[TRACE] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Getenv(POSH_THEME) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Shell:581 → no shell name provided in flags, trying to detect it
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Shell:589 → process name: bash.exe
[TRACE] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.922 os.go:resolveConfigPath:266 → Cygwin detected, using full path for config
[TRACE] 22:22:22.922 os.go:resolveConfigPath() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Init() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.922 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 load.go:loadConfig() - 10.1974ms
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 debug.go:44 → Terminal shell: %s shell
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 debug.go:44 → Terminal program: %s Windows Terminal
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv:306 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(OMP_CACHE_DISABLED) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:WindowsRegistryKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM\ColorizationColor) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:WindowsRegistryKeyValue:217 → ColorizationColor(DWORD): 0xC40078D7
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv:306 → 5.2.26(1)-release
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(POSH_SHELL_VERSION) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 debug.go:PrintDebug:23 → Segment: Title
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ .Folder }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:Root() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:StatusCodes() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache:779 ↓
    environment: [ACLOCAL_PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\share\aclocal;C:\Program Files\Git\usr\share\aclocal ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData APPDATA=C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Roaming CLIENTNAME=DESKTOP-0K53FAH CODE=C:/Users/Dev/source/repos COMMONPROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files\Common Files COMPUTERNAME=DESKTOP-UV6AN3G COMSPEC=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER=false CONFIG_SITE=C:/Program Files/Git/etc/config.site CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files DISPLAY=needs-to-be-defined DriverData=C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData EXEPATH=C:\Program Files\Git\bin GIT_COMPLETION_IGNORE_CASE=true GOPATH=C:\Users\Dev\go GoLand=C:\Program Files\JetBrains\GoLand 2024.1.4\bin; HISTFILE=C:/Users/Dev/.bash_eternal_history HISTFILESIZE=32768 HISTSIZE=32768 HISTTIMEFORMAT=[%F %T]  HOME=C:\Users\Dev HOMEDRIVE=C: HOMEPATH=\Users\Dev HOSTNAME=DESKTOP-UV6AN3G INFOPATH=C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\local\info;C:\Program 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Files\PowerShell\7;C:\Users\Dev\.krew\bin;C:\Users\Dev\.cargo\bin;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3\bin;C:\Users\Dev\Downloads\flutter\bin;C:\Users\Dev\.dotnet\tools;C:\Program Files\Azure Data Studio\bin;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\Scripts;C:\Users\Dev\bin;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\GoLand 2024.1.4\bin;C:\Users\Dev\go\bin;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\bin;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\Microsoft.Azure.Kubelogin_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe\bin\windows_amd64;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\ahmetb.kubectx_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\ahmetb.kubens_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe 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Server\150\DTS\Binn;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\Kubernetes.kubectl_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\Helm.Helm_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe\windows-amd64;C:\Program Files\Go\bin;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7;C:\Users\Dev\.krew\bin;C:\Users\Dev\.cargo\bin;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3\bin;C:\Users\Dev\Downloads\flutter\bin;C:\Users\Dev\.dotnet\tools;C:\Program Files\Azure Data Studio\bin;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python39\Scripts;C:\Users\Dev\bin;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\GoLand 2024.1.4\bin;C:\Users\Dev\go\bin;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\bin;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\Microsoft.Azure.Kubelogin_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe\bin\windows_amd64;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\ahmetb.kubectx_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe;C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\ahmetb.kubens_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe;C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\vendor_perl;C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\core_perl PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC PKG_CONFIG_PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\lib\pkgconfig;C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\share\pkgconfig PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH=C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/include PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH=C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/lib PLINK_PROTOCOL=ssh POSH_INSTALLER=manual POSH_PID=2007 POSH_SHELL_VERSION=5.2.26(1)-release POSH_THEME=C:/Users/Dev/.omp-themes/night-owl-custom.omp.jsonc POSH_THEMES_PATH=C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes POWERLINE_COMMAND=oh-my-posh POWERSHELL_DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL=MSI:Windows 10 Pro N PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=AMD64 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=AMD64 Family 23 Model 8 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD PROCESSOR_LEVEL=23 PROCESSOR_REVISION=0802 PROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files PS1=\[\]╭─\[\]\[\]\[\]   \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]   bash \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] \[]8;;file:C:/Users/Dev/source/repos\\\]      repos\[]8;;\\\] \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] 0ms\[\]\[\]\[\]                                                                                                                                  \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] VSPS \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]󱃾 k8s-cluster \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] 22:22:20\[\]\[\]\[\]
    \[\]╰─\[\]\[\]\[\]\[]0;repos\]  PSModulePath=C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Tools\PowerShell\Modules\ PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public PWD=C:/Users/Dev/source/repos ProgramData=C:\ProgramData ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files SESSIONNAME=31C5CE94259D4006A9E4#1 SHELL=C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe SHLVL=1 SSH_ASKPASS=C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/git-askpass.exe SYSTEMDRIVE=C: SYSTEMROOT=C:\Windows TEMP=C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Temp TERM=xterm-256color TMP=C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Temp TMPDIR=C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local\Temp USERDOMAIN=DESKTOP-UV6AN3G USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE=DESKTOP-UV6AN3G USERNAME=Dev USERPROFILE=C:\Users\Dev WINDIR=C:\Windows WSLENV=WT_SESSION:WT_PROFILE_ID: WT_PROFILE_ID={2ece5bfe-50ed-5f3a-ab87-5cd4baafed2b} WT_SESSION=2bfadd55-b22b-4f4d-9900-a260c52e9a53 _=C:/Users/Dev/AppData/Local/Programs/oh-my-posh/bin/oh-my-posh]
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd:336 → C:\Users\Dev\source\repos
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:User:474 → Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:User() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Host:491 → DESKTOP-UV6AN3G
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Host() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv:306 → 1
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(SHLVL) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv:306 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_LINE) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv:306 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_COLUMN) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Executiontime
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Path
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Root
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 executiontime.go:Enabled:57 → always_enabled: false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:124 → display_cygpath: false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:ExecutionTime() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 executiontime.go:Enabled:59 → threshold: 0.000000
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:PathSeparator() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 executiontime.go:Enabled:63 → roundrock
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Git
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv:306 → C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:Root() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Os
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Enabled:34 → 
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:517 → mapped_locations_enabled: true
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:518 → 
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:519 → 
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:520 →  
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Shell
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:525 → mapped_locations: map[C:/Users:  C:/Windows: ]
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: C:/Users
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 shell.go:Enabled:28 → mapped_shell_names: map[]
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: C:/Windows
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:makeFolderFormatMap:841 → NO DATA
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:setStyle:192 → agnoster_short
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:getAgnosterShortPath:464 → max_depth: 1
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:getAgnosterShortPath:469 →  
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:getAgnosterShortPath:470 → hide_root_location: false
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:colorizePath:715 → cycle: []
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:getFolderSeparator:250 → NO DATA
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:getFolderSeparator:252 →  <#011627></> 
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:colorizePath:718 → cycle_folder_separator: false
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:colorizePath:719 → %s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:colorizePath:721 → %s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:colorizePath:722 → %s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 path.go:colorizePath:723 → %s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:StackCount() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:299 → not current user or in group
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:303 → current user is member of S-1-5-32-544
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:311 ↓
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:313 → user has write access
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:DirIsWritable() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:CommandPath:533 → C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\git.exe
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:CommandPath(git.exe) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasCommand(git.exe) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[ERROR] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasParentFilePath:687 → CreateFile .git: The system cannot find the file specified.
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasParentFilePath(.git) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 git.go:shouldDisplay:284 → fetch_bare_info: false
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:  {{ .FormattedMs }}
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:  {{ if .WSL }}WSL at {{ end }}{{.Icon}}  
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:  {{ path .Path .Location }} 
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:    {{ .Name }} 
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Time
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 python.go:Init:61 → context
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 time.go:Enabled:29 → 15:04:05
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Python
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Kubectl
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 language.go:Enabled:109 → extensions: [*.py *.ipynb pyproject.toml venv.bak]
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Az
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 kubectl.go:Enabled:51 → parse_kubeconfig: true
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 language.go:Enabled:110 → folders: [.venv venv virtualenv venv-win pyenv-win]
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 az.go:Enabled:83 → first_match
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 language.go:Enabled:117 → home_enabled: false
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv:306 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(KUBECONFIG) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(AZURE_CONFIG_DIR) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv:306 → C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Dotnet
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 language.go:Enabled:109 → extensions: [*.cs *.csx *.vb *.sln *.slnf *.csproj *.vbproj *.fs *.fsx *.fsproj global.json]
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 language.go:Enabled:110 → folders: []
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 language.go:Enabled:117 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 language.go:Enabled:129 → files
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:384 → true
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(azureProfile.json) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.cs) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.csx) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.vb) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.sln) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.slnf) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.csproj) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.vbproj) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:FileContent:448 →  <snip>
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.fsx) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:FileContent(C:\Users\Dev\.azure\azureProfile.json) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.fsproj) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:HasFilesInDir(global.json) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 os.go:FileContent:448 ↓
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:FileContent(C:\Users\Dev\.kube\config) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.932 kubectl.go:SetContextAlias:150 → context_aliases: map[]
[TRACE] 22:22:22.932 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:CommandPath:533 → C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_3.9.3568.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\python3.9.exe
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:CommandPath(python) - 23.5698ms
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir(pyvenv.cfg) - 191.9µs
[ERROR] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir:358 → open .: Access is denied.
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir:359 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir(pyvenv.cfg) - 131.2µs
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 python.go:loadContext:83 → folder_name_fallback: true
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Getenv:306 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Getenv(VIRTUAL_ENV) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Getenv:306 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Getenv(CONDA_ENV_PATH) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Getenv:306 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Getenv(CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.py) - 59.2µs
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir(*.ipynb) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir(pyproject.toml) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir:389 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFilesInDir(venv.bak) - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFolder:418 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFolder(.venv) - 57.9µs
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFolder:418 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFolder(venv) - 58.3µs
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFolder:418 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.956 os.go:HasFolder(virtualenv) - 56.7µs
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.957 os.go:HasFolder:418 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.957 os.go:HasFolder(venv-win) - 57.2µs
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.957 os.go:HasFolder:418 → false
[TRACE] 22:22:22.957 os.go:HasFolder(pyenv-win) - 58.8µs
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.957 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:  {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }}
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.957 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:  {{ if .Name | eq "snip" }}{{ "snip" }}{{ else }}{{ .Name }}{{ end }}
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.957 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if .Context | ne "snip" }}󱃾 {{.Context}} {{end}}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.957 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.957 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.958 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.958 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.958 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.958 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if .Name | eq "snip" }}#FF0000{{ end }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if .Name | eq "snip" }}#FFFFFF{{ end }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if .Name | eq "snip" }}#FF0000{{ end }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if .Name | eq "snip" }}#FFFFFF{{ end }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 os_windows.go:TerminalWidth:111 → terminal width: 209
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os_windows.go:TerminalWidth() - 177.1µs
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 status.go:Init:53 → {{ .Code }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Status
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:StatusCodes() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ .Code }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\Dev
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Text
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 status.go:Enabled:42 → always_enabled: true
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: 
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: ╰─
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if gt .Code 0 }}#ef5350{{ end }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.959 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.959 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if gt .Code 0 }}#ef5350{{ end }}
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 22:22:22.960 os.go:Getenv:306 → C:\Users\Dev\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os_windows.go:CachePath() - 113.9µs
[TRACE] 22:22:22.960 os.go:Flags() - 0s
github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity (i.e. last half year) after it was closed. It helps our maintainers focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar, please open a discussion first, complete the body with all the details necessary to reproduce, and mention this issue as reference.