JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh

The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer
MIT License
17.01k stars 2.37k forks source link

Some Modules are not working after update from Scoop #5320

Closed BerkeAlpaslan closed 2 months ago

BerkeAlpaslan commented 2 months ago

Code of Conduct

What happened?

Since the day I first installed Oh-My-Posh, I was receiving a migration warning on startup. To resolve this, I deleted the Oh-My-Posh imports from my "user_profile.ps1" file. After this change, the migration warning disappeared, and everything seemed to work fine. Later, I made additions to my own .json configuration file for "angular", and since then, issues started occurring. Currently, the notifications for "Git", "node.js" version, and, most importantly, the file path are not working. Only the features I added for the right side, like the time, are functioning correctly. I also share my own configuration file code below. Could this be due to the recent 21.28.0 update?


  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
  "version": 2,
  "blocks": [
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "type": "shell",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#0077c2",
          "leading_diamond": "\u256d\u2500\ue0b6",
          "template": " \udb82\ude0a "
          "type": "root",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#fffb38",
          "background": "#ef5350",
          "template": "<parentBackground>\ue0b0</> \uf0e7 ",
          "properties": {
            "root_icon": "\uf292"
          "type": "path",
          "style": "powerline",
          "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
          "foreground": "#e4e4e4",
          "background": "#444444",
          "template": " {{ .Path }} ",
          "properties": {
            "style": "full"
          "type": "git",
          "style": "powerline",
          "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0 ",
          "foreground": "#011627",
          "background": "#fffb38",
          "background_templates": [
            "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}#ffeb95{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}#c5e478{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#c792ea{{ end }}",
            "{{ if gt .Behind 0}}#c792ea{{ end }}"
          "template": " {{ .HEAD }} {{ if .Working.Changed }}{{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}<#ef5350> \uf046 {{ .Staging.String }}</>{{ end }} ",
          "properties": {
            "branch_icon": "\ue725 ",
            "fetch_status": true,
            "fetch_upstream_icon": true
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "right",
      "segments": [
          "type": "node",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#3c873a",
          "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
          "background": "#303030",
          "leading_diamond": " \ue0b6 ",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4 ",
          "template": "\ue718{{ if .PackageManagerIcon }}{{ .PackageManagerIcon }} {{ end }}{{ .Full }}",
          "properties": {
            "fetch_package_manager": true
          "type": "executiontime",
          "style": "diamond",
          "invert_powerline": true,
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#000000",
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
          "trailing_diamond": "",
          "template": " \ueba2 {{ .FormattedMs }} "
          "type": "battery",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground_templates": [
            "{{ if le .Percentage 10 }}#FF0000{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 11) (le .Percentage 20) }}#FF4500{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 21) (le .Percentage 30) }}#FFA500{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 31) (le .Percentage 40) }}#FFD700{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 41) (le .Percentage 50) }}#FFFF00{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 51) (le .Percentage 60) }}#ADFF2F{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 61) (le .Percentage 70) }}#7FFF00{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 71) (le .Percentage 80) }}#32CD32{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 81) (le .Percentage 90) }}#00FF00{{ end }}",
            "{{ if and (ge .Percentage 91) (le .Percentage 100) }}#008000{{ end }}"
          "background": "#444444",
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2",
          "trailing_diamond": "",
          "template": "{{ if eq \"True\" (title (default \"False\" .Env.DISABLE_SEGMENT_BATTERY)) }}{{ else }}{{ if not .Error }}{{ if eq \"Charging\" .State.String }}{{ if le .Percentage 10 }} \udb82\udc9c {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 11) (le .Percentage 20) }} \udb80\udc86 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 21) (le .Percentage 30) }} \udb80\udc87 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 31) (le .Percentage 40) }} \udb80\udc88 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 41) (le .Percentage 50) }} \udb82\udc9d {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 51) (le .Percentage 60) }} \udb80\udc89 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 61) (le .Percentage 70) }} \udb82\udc9e {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 71) (le .Percentage 80) }} \udb80\udc8a {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 81) (le .Percentage 90) }} \udb80\udc8b {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else }} \udb80\udc85 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ end }}{{ else }}{{ if le .Percentage 10 }} \udb80\udc7a {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 11) (le .Percentage 20) }} \udb80\udc7b {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 21) (le .Percentage 30) }} \udb80\udc7c {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 31) (le .Percentage 40) }} \udb80\udc7d {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 41) (le .Percentage 50) }} \udb80\udc7e {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 51) (le .Percentage 60) }} \udb80\udc7f {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 61) (le .Percentage 70) }} \udb80\udc80 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 71) (le .Percentage 80) }} \udb80\udc81 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 81) (le .Percentage 90) }} \udb80\udc82 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else }} \udb80\udc79 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ else }}!{{ end }}{{ end }}"
          "type": "sysinfo",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#516beb",
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2",
          "trailing_diamond": "",
          "template": " \ue266 RAM: {{ (div ((sub .PhysicalTotalMemory .PhysicalFreeMemory)|float64) 1073741824.0) }}/{{ (div .PhysicalTotalMemory 1073741824.0)}}GB | {{ round .PhysicalPercentUsed .Precision }}% "
          "type": "time",
          "style": "diamond",
          "invert_powerline": true,
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#40c4ff",
          "leading_diamond": "\ue0b2",
          "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
          "template": " \udb80\udcf0 {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }} ",
          "properties": {
            "time_format": "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 | 15:04:05"
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "type": "text",
          "style": "plain",
          "foreground": "#21c7c7",
          "template": "\u2570\u2500"
          "type": "exit",
          "style": "plain",
          "foreground": "#e0f8ff",
          "foreground_templates": ["{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#ef5350{{ end }}"],
          "template": "❯{{ if gt .Code 0 }}\uf00d{{ else }}\uf42e{{ end }} ",
          "properties": {
            "always_enabled": true
  "osc99": true

What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Which shell are you using?


Log output

Version: 21.28.0

Shell: pwsh (7.4.3)


╭─ 󰨊  ~                                                󰂉 55%   RAM: 5/13GB | 39%  󰃰 Sun, 21 Jul 2024 | 12:00:59 ╰─❯


ConsoleTitle(false)                       -   0 ms
Shell(true)                               -   2 ms
Path(true)                                -   3 ms
Battery(true)                             -   2 ms
Sysinfo(true)                             -   0 ms
Time(true)                                -   0 ms
Text(true)                                -   0 ms
Exit(true)                                -   0 ms

Run duration: 15.8367ms

Cache path: C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\oh-my-posh

Config path: C:\Users\berke\.config\powershell\baracuda.omp.json


[DEBUG] 12:00:59.819 os.go:Getenv:309 → C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 12:00:59.820 os.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 1.0923ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.820 os_windows.go:CachePath() - 1.0923ms
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.821 os.go:Getenv:309 → C:\Users\berke\.config\powershell\baracuda.omp.json
[TRACE] 12:00:59.821 os.go:Getenv(POSH_THEME) - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.821 os.go:Shell:584 → no shell name provided in flags, trying to detect it
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.824 os.go:Shell:592 → process name: pwsh.exe
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:Shell() - 3.192ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:resolveConfigPath() - 3.192ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:Init() - 4.8074ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 load.go:loadConfig() - 521.7µs
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.824 debug.go:44 → Terminal shell: %s shell
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.824 debug.go:44 → Terminal program: %s Windows Terminal
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.824 os.go:Getenv:309 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:Getenv(OMP_CACHE_DISABLED) - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os_windows.go:WindowsRegistryKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM\ColorizationColor) - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.824 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.824 os_windows.go:WindowsRegistryKeyValue:219 → ColorizationColor(DWORD): 0xC40078D4
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Getenv:309 → 7.4.3
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Getenv(POSH_SHELL_VERSION) - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 debug.go:PrintDebug:23 → Segment: Title
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Getenv:309 → 3
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_LINE) - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Getenv:309 → 1
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Getenv(POSH_CURSOR_COLUMN) - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Pwd:339 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Pwd() - 527.2µs
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Git
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
→ C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Shell
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Root
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Path
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 shell.go:Enabled:28 → mapped_shell_names: map[]
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 path.go:124 → display_cygpath: false
[TRACE] 12:00:59.825 os_windows.go:Root() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.825 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:517 → mapped_locations_enabled: true
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.826 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:518 → 
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.826 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:519 → 
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.826 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.826 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:520 → ~
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.826 path.go:replaceMappedLocations:525 → mapped_locations: map[]
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.826 os.go:TemplateCache:792 → environment: [ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData APPDATA=C:\Users\berke\AppData\Roaming CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files COMPUTERNAME=LENOVO ComSpec=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER=False CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=C:\Users\berke\scoop\apps\gcc\current\include C_INCLUDE_PATH=C:\Users\berke\scoop\apps\gcc\current\include DokanLibrary1=C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.5.1\ DokanLibrary1_LibraryPath_x64=C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.5.1\lib\ DokanLibrary1_LibraryPath_x86=C:\Program Files\Dokan\Dokan Library-1.5.1\x86\lib\ DriverData=C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData HOMEDRIVE=C: HOMEPATH=\Users\berke LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local LOGONSERVER=\\LENOVO NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=16 NVM_HOME=C:\Users\berke\scoop\apps\nvm\current NVM_SYMLINK=C:\Users\berke\scoop\persist\nvm\nodejs\nodejs OneDrive=C:\Users\berke\OneDrive OS=Windows_NT Path=C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.PowerShell_7.4.3.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Users\berke\scoop\apps\nvm\current;C:\Users\berke\scoop\apps\nvm\current\nodejs\nodejs;C:\Users\berke\scoop\apps\gcc\current\bin;C:\Users\berke\scoop\shims;C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\bin;C:\Users\berke\.dotnet\tools;C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\bin;C:\Users\berke\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\bin PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC;.CPL POSH_AZURE_ENABLED=False POSH_CURSOR_COLUMN=1 POSH_CURSOR_LINE=3 POSH_GIT_ENABLED=False POSH_INSTALLER=scoop POSH_PID=10608 POSH_SHELL_VERSION=7.4.3 POSH_THEME=C:\Users\berke\.config\powershell\baracuda.omp.json POSH_THEMES_PATH=C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes POWERLINE_COMMAND=oh-my-posh PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=AMD64 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=AMD64 Family 25 Model 80 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD PROCESSOR_LEVEL=25 PROCESSOR_REVISION=5000 ProgramData=C:\ProgramData ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files PSModulePath=C:\Users\berke\Documents\PowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules;c:\program files\windowsapps\microsoft.powershell_7.4.3.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Modules;C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public SESSIONNAME=Console SystemDrive=C: SystemRoot=C:\Windows TEMP=C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\Temp TMP=C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\Temp USERDOMAIN=LENOVO USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE=LENOVO USERNAME=berke USERPROFILE=C:\Users\berke windir=C:\Windows WSLENV=WT_SESSION:WT_PROFILE_ID: WT_PROFILE_ID={574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336} WT_SESSION=dd5d510b-1837-43a4-88a1-1bcb1cd70839]
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.826 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.826 os.go:User:477 → berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.826 os.go:User() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.827 os.go:Host:494 → LENOVO
[TRACE] 12:00:59.827 os.go:Host() - 533.7µs
[TRACE] 12:00:59.827 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.827 os.go:Getenv:309 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 12:00:59.827 os.go:Getenv(SHLVL) - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.827 os.go:TemplateCache() - 1.5902ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.827 os.go:TemplateCache() - 1.0636ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.827 os.go:StackCount() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 os.go:CommandPath:536 → C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:CommandPath(git.exe) - 2.6459ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:HasCommand(git.exe) - 2.6459ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:299 → not current user or in group
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:303 → current user is member of S-1-5-32-544
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:311 ↓
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 win32_windows.go:isWriteable:313 → user has write access
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os_windows.go:DirIsWritable() - 525.8µs
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 os.go:ResolveSymlink:436 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:ResolveSymlink(C:\Users\berke) - 0s
[ERROR] 12:00:59.828 os.go:HasParentFilePath:700 → CreateFile .git: The system cannot find the file specified.
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:HasParentFilePath(.git) - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 git.go:shouldDisplay:284 → fetch_bare_info: false
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:  󰨊
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:  {{ .Path }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: powerline
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: powerline
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Time
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 time.go:Enabled:29 → Mon, 02 Jan 2006 | 15:04:05
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Executiontime
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Battery
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 executiontime.go:Enabled:57 → always_enabled: false
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:ExecutionTime() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 sysinfo.go:Init:36 → precision: 2
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os_windows.go:IsWsl() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Node
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 executiontime.go:Enabled:59 → threshold: 500.000000
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 language.go:Enabled:109 → extensions: [*.js *.ts package.json .nvmrc pnpm-workspace.yaml .pnpmfile.cjs .vue]
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 language.go:Enabled:110 → folders: []
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 language.go:Enabled:117 → home_enabled: false
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.828 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Sysinfo
[TRACE] 12:00:59.828 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.831 os_windows_nix.go:BatteryState() - 2.6252ms
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.831 battery.go:Enabled:57 → NO DATA
[TRACE] 12:00:59.831 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.831 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:  󰃰 {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }}
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.831 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if eq "True" (title (default "False" .Env.DISABLE_SEGMENT_BATTERY)) }}{{ else }}{{ if not .Error }}{{ if eq "Charging" .State.String }}{{ if le .Percentage 10 }} 󰢜 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 11) (le .Percentage 20) }} 󰂆 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 21) (le .Percentage 30) }} 󰂇 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 31) (le .Percentage 40) }} 󰂈 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 41) (le .Percentage 50) }} 󰢝 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 51) (le .Percentage 60) }} 󰂉 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 61) (le .Percentage 70) }} 󰢞 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 71) (le .Percentage 80) }} 󰂊 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 81) (le .Percentage 90) }} 󰂋 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else }} 󰂅 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ end }}{{ else }}{{ if le .Percentage 10 }} 󰁺 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 11) (le .Percentage 20) }} 󰁻 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 21) (le .Percentage 30) }} 󰁼 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 31) (le .Percentage 40) }} 󰁽 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 41) (le .Percentage 50) }} 󰁾 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 51) (le .Percentage 60) }} 󰁿 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 61) (le .Percentage 70) }} 󰂀 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 71) (le .Percentage 80) }} 󰂁 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else if and (ge .Percentage 81) (le .Percentage 90) }} 󰂂 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ else }} 󰁹 {{ .Percentage }}% {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ else }}!{{ end }}{{ end }}
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.831 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template:   RAM: {{ (div ((sub .PhysicalTotalMemory .PhysicalFreeMemory)|float64) 1073741824.0) }}/{{ (div .PhysicalTotalMemory 1073741824.0)}}GB | {{ round .PhysicalPercentUsed .Precision }}%
[TRACE] 12:00:59.832 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.832 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.833 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.833 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.833 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.833 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if le .Percentage 10 }}#FF0000{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.833 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.833 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 11) (le .Percentage 20) }}#FF4500{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.833 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.833 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 21) (le .Percentage 30) }}#FFA500{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.833 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.833 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 31) (le .Percentage 40) }}#FFD700{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.833 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.833 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 41) (le .Percentage 50) }}#FFFF00{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.834 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 51) (le .Percentage 60) }}#ADFF2F{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.834 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if le .Percentage 10 }}#FF0000{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.834 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 11) (le .Percentage 20) }}#FF4500{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.834 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 21) (le .Percentage 30) }}#FFA500{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.834 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 31) (le .Percentage 40) }}#FFD700{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.834 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 41) (le .Percentage 50) }}#FFFF00{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.834 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if and (ge .Percentage 51) (le .Percentage 60) }}#ADFF2F{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.834 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.834 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: diamond
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 os_windows.go:TerminalWidth:111 → terminal width: 120
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os_windows.go:TerminalWidth() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Flags() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 status.go:Init:53 → {{ .Code }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Text
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 os_windows.go:58 → C:\Users\berke
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:GOOS() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 segment.go:SetEnabled:115 → Segment: Exit
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:StatusCodes() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ .Code }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 status.go:Enabled:42 → always_enabled: true
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: ❯{{ if gt .Code 0 }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: ╰─
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if gt .Code 0 }}#ef5350{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: plain
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 text.go:Render:73 → Rendering template: {{ if gt .Code 0 }}#ef5350{{ end }}
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:TemplateCache() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Pwd() - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Shell() - 0s
[DEBUG] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Getenv:309 → C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local
[TRACE] 12:00:59.835 os.go:Getenv(LOCALAPPDATA) - 0s
[TRACE] 12:00:59.836 os_windows.go:CachePath() - 1.5289ms
[TRACE] 12:00:59.836 os.go:Flags() - 0s

Version: 21.28.0

Shell: pwsh (7.4.3)


╭─ 󰨊  ~                                                󰂉 55%   RAM: 5/13GB | 39%  󰃰 Sun, 21 Jul 2024 | 12:00:59 ╰─❯
BerkeAlpaslan commented 2 months ago

Screenshot 2024-07-21 120653

Git, Node.Js, idirectory path etc. segments are not working

BerkeAlpaslan commented 2 months ago

Load Prompt Config

function Get-ScriptDirectory { Split-Path $MyInvocation.ScriptName } $PROMPT_CONFIG = Join-Path (Get-ScriptDirectory) 'baracuda.omp.json' oh-my-posh --init --shell pwsh --config $PROMPT_CONFIG | Invoke-Expression


Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons


Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs Set-PSReadLineOption -BellStyle None Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord 'Ctrl+d' -Function DeleteChar


Import-Module PSFzf Set-PsFzfOption -PSReadLineChordProvider 'Ctrl+f' -PSReadLineChordReverseHistory 'Ctrl+r'


Set-Alias clear cls Set-Alias touch ni Set-Alias ifconfig ipconfig Set-Alias vim nvim Set-Alias ll ls Set-Alias g git Set-Alias grep findstr Set-Alias tig 'C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\tig.exe' Set-Alias less 'C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\less.exe'


function which ($command) { Get-Command -Name $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

My "user_profile.ps1" folder like that

BerkeAlpaslan commented 2 months ago

. $env:USERPROFILE.config\powershell\user_profile.ps1 $env:Path += ";C:\Users\berke\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\bin"


BerkeAlpaslan commented 2 months ago

When I say "oh-my-posh debug" on Angular project file, it seems every segment works correctly. But when I close debug mode, a lot of segments are not working. I think last update 21.28.0 has problem