JanDeDobbeleer / oh-my-posh2

A prompt theming engine for Powershell
MIT License
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VSCode Powershell Integrated Console issue #312

Closed floh96 closed 3 years ago

floh96 commented 3 years ago

See screenshoots the path is displayed wrong in the Powershell Integrated Console in VSCode. Edit: In the same powershell session sometimes it's working sometimes it's broken... It's working in pwsh. 1 2

ModuleType Version    PreRelease Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ---------- ----                                ----------------
Script     0.0                   chocolateyProfile                   {TabExpansion, Update-SessionEnvironment, refreshenv}        
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Management     {Add-Content, Clear-Content, Clear-Item, Clear-ItemProperty…}
Manifest               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility        {Add-Member, Add-Type, Clear-Variable, Compare-Object…}
Script     2.0.487               oh-my-posh                          {Get-BatteryInfo, Get-ComputerName, Get-FormattedRootLocation, Get-FullPath…}
Script     1.0.0      beta4      posh-git                            {Add-PoshGitToProfile, Expand-GitCommand, Format-GitBranchName, Get-GitBranchStatusColor…}
Script     2.0.2                 PSReadLine                          {Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadLineOption, Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandler, Set-PSReadLineKeyHand… 

Major  Minor  Patch  PreReleaseLabel BuildLabel
-----  -----  -----  --------------- ----------
7      0      3

VSCode Version: 1.49.3 Powershell Extension Version: v2020.6.0

JanDeDobbeleer commented 3 years ago

Can you do me a favor and check if version 3 also has this issue? Be aware A LOT has changed under the hood, but most themes should be there already: Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser -AllowPrerelease

See the documentation for more information.

floh96 commented 3 years ago

@JanDeDobbeleer it's working in version 3 👍