Closed wormiedk closed 4 years ago
@wormiedk have you any experience in javascript/node.js?
a little but normally I get by modifying examples. I found this on another forum but cannot get it to work
What I did: sudo npm install -g typescript git clone cd eufy-node-client/src nano test.ts
Contents of test.ts:
import { HttpService } from './http/http.service';
import { CommandTypes } from './p2p/command.model';
import { DeviceClientService } from './p2p/device-client.service';
import { LocalLookupService } from './p2p/local-lookup.service';
import { PushMessage } from './push/push.model';
import { PushService } from './push/push.service';
(async () => {
const httpService = new HttpService(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
const hubs = await httpService.listHubs();
if (hubs && hubs.length > 0) {
const hub = hubs[0];
const lookupService = new LocalLookupService();
const address = await lookupService.lookup(HOMEBASE_IP);
const service = new DeviceClientService(address, hub.p2p_did, hub.member.action_user_id);
const connected = await service.connect().catch((error) => {
console.log('error trying to connected:', error);
return false;
if (connected) {
console.log('p2p connected, start listening for push messages');
const pushService = new PushService();
const credentials = await pushService.createPushCredentials();
pushService.listen(credentials, async (msg: PushMessage) => {
const event =;
const payload = event.payload;
if (payload && payload.event_type === 3103 && === 2 && payload.push_count === 1) {
console.log('doorbell pressed');
if (!streaming) {
service.sendCommandWithIntString(CommandTypes.CMD_NAS_TEST, 1, 2);
streaming = true;
setTimeout(() => {
if (streaming) {
service.sendCommandWithIntString(CommandTypes.CMD_NAS_TEST, 0, 2);
streaming = false;
}, 6000);
await got.get('url_to_a_webhook');
// Register generated token
const fcmToken = credentials.fcm.token;
await httpService.registerPushToken(fcmToken);
await httpService.pushTokenCheck();
} else {
console.warn('no hub found');
However this results in an error when trying to compile using tsc test.ts
test.ts:2:10 - error TS2724: Module '"./p2p/command.model"' has no exported member 'CommandTypes'. Did you mean 'CommandType'?
2 import { CommandTypes } from './p2p/command.model';
1 export enum CommandType {
'CommandType' is declared here.
test.ts:35:16 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'streaming'.
35 if (!streaming) {
test.ts:37:13 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'streaming'.
37 streaming = true;
test.ts:40:19 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'streaming'.
40 if (streaming) {
test.ts:43:15 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'streaming'.
43 streaming = false;
test.ts:46:17 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'got'.
46 await got.get('url_to_a_webhook');
Try this:
Now tell me what to do next :-D I really want to be able to control the security mode with home assistant!
After @bropat and I will finish the push-rework, I will restructure the index.ts and write some more documentation how to get started. But this is and will stay a library for other developers not users.
I've created a new repository with a 'Getting started' guide. If you have any problems / questions for that, please create an issue there.
This seems great but an example for how to use it from e.g. a shell script would be great ;)
I am mostly interested in