JanPoonthong / streaming_schedule

Jan Poonthon streaming schedule on YouTube(https://www.youtube.com/@janpoonthong/) and Twitch(https://www.twitch.tv/janpoonthong/)
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

[Frontend]: Calendar #2

Open JanPoonthong opened 1 month ago

JanPoonthong commented 1 month ago

This task is for coding [UI:] Calendar

Implement the UI from the task [UI:] Calendar

Note: If you do not understand the task or what to do or how to implement. You can ask me in Discord

emiliebunny commented 1 month ago

I'd like to do this one ka

JanPoonthong commented 1 month ago


JanPoonthong commented 1 month ago

@emiliebunny Here is the needed data for displaying on the calendar: https://streaming-schedule.vercel.app/api/get-schedule