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How to retrieve IBM dataset? #2

Open tbrodbeck opened 3 years ago

tbrodbeck commented 3 years ago


since there is no reference to the datasets used for IBM: Am I correct that this refers to one of those downloadable from https://www.kaggle.com/borismarjanovic/price-volume-data-for-all-us-stocks-etfs or https://www.kaggle.com/jacksoncrow/stock-market-dataset?select=stocks?

Thanks in advance for clarification!

EDIT: I guess its not the same because the data only goes to 2017 or 2020-04-01 on the datasets. So it would be great if you could provide a source :)

TashreefMuhammad commented 3 years ago

Well, I found that Yahoo Finance home the data of IBM. You can go and look for IBM data. In a notebook I saw in this repository, the file name itself indicated the range of date that was taken, I simply adjusted the filter that way and downloaded the data from **Yahoo Finance***.

When I visualized the data, it seemed almost the same. So, hopefully you can get your data from there.