JanSeliv / Bomber

Open-source Bomberman multiplayer game made in Unreal Engine 5.3
MIT License
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487-Added sound on 10 seconds countdown. #49

Closed h4rdmol closed 1 year ago

h4rdmol commented 1 year ago

Hello guys,

According to the ticket https://trello.com/c/dMLSHoJH/487-countdown-timer-sound I have added a countdown timer. I've used TickTock sound from the link attached to the ticket.

The solution: I have checked that the timer text gets updated in Widget Blueprint, so I have used PlayTimerTickTack() function. The function is implemented in SoundsManager class.

So my solution is next:

The countdown timer works but still, I don't have a feeling it's a good solution, since the tickTock sound is now 2Mb instead of 200kB.

P.S. I am a newbie in UE development and just finished the N-iX course in Lviv. Would like to do programming as a hobby. Will be happy for feedback and review.

h4rdmol commented 1 year ago

Looks like #486 is also done as part of PR. https://trello.com/c/r2SMdEnZ/486-blend-out-the-main-menu-music-and-blend-in-the-level-music-during-the-countdown-timer

JanSeliv commented 1 year ago

I'm so sorry there were no descriptions in the trello card, the task is about to add sounds for the 3-2-1 countdown timer that is happening during 'Game Starting' state before the actual match starts like in this reference BUT your idea I also like! It looks reasonable to add sounds for last seconds of the game, so let's review this proposition

JanSeliv commented 1 year ago

Because of the reason conflicts (WBP_InGame is already changed on Dev), we can't submit these changes there on master. Could you please address feedback and prepare another PR on Develop? I would really appreciate it!