JanSeliv / Bomber

Open-source Bomberman multiplayer game made in Unreal Engine 5.3
MIT License
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Proposition for hover in main menu #50

Closed h4rdmol closed 1 year ago

h4rdmol commented 1 year ago


I saw that UI feels not alive enough without hovers. So I did quick adjustments to the current menu button texture and made it with red.


JanSeliv commented 1 year ago

Great proposition, we really liked that, thank you! Please make the pull request on the Develop brunch since we are not pushing any changes to the master directly, it requires the tests on the Dev first. Another reason, the WBP_UI1-1_Button was already changed on the Dev, so it will create a conflict if we submit it here. If you have any questions, please reach me directly on Telegram (t.me/JanSeliv), I will be glad to share with you our current priorities