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Complete Expense Tracker Program #16

Closed Sandaru-Dev closed 1 year ago

Sandaru-Dev commented 1 year ago

Basic Java Expense Tracker - Issue No. #5


This pull request introduces a basic Java Expense Tracker. The Expense Tracker allows users to record expenses, categorize them, and view the total expenses by category. It provides a simple command-line interface for interaction.


Added a menu-driven interface for user interaction. Implemented the functionality to record expenses and categorize them. Implemented the ability to view expenses by category. Added the functionality to calculate and display total expenses by category.


Select option 1 to record an expense. Select option 2 to view expenses by category. Select option 3 to calculate and display total expenses by category. Select option 4 to exit the Expense Tracker.

Known Limitations:

This is a basic implementation, and there's room for improvement and additional features. There is no data persistence, and expenses are stored in memory during the program's execution.


Extensive testing has been performed to verify the correctness of the implemented features. Test cases include recording expenses, viewing expenses by category, and calculating total expenses.

