Jandals / HairNet

HairNet addon for Blender
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Strands do not follow correct emitter faces #15

Open LapisSea opened 3 years ago

LapisSea commented 3 years ago

Hairs seem to not follow the correct faces when bound. Could be a problem with indexing?

Demonstration: https://i.imgur.com/PdqvNJ0.mp4

Blend: HairNetBug.zip

Jandals commented 3 years ago

Drat. In the past this has been fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting hairs within the script. That would reassign hair guides to their nearest face, instead of the one they were created near. I may have broken that fix or Blender may have changed how it is handled.

Thanks for submitting it.

LapisSea commented 3 years ago

I doubt blender has changed how hairs are handled as the particle system as been in end of life stage for quite some time. ;)