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[Chapter 1] A Pragmatic Philosophy #11

Open janeljs opened 2 years ago

janeljs commented 2 years ago

A Pragmatic Philosophy

The Cat Ate My Source Code

Software Entropy

Stone Soup vs. Boiled Frogs

Good-Enough Software

Don't spoil a perfectly good program by overembellishment and over-refinement. Move on, and let your code stand in its own right for a while.

Your Knowledge Portfolio

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

  • New Concept: expiring assets
  • knowledge becomes outdated.
  • invest in k-p regularly.
  • the habit itself values.
  • diversification
  • invest beyond technologies you are using now
  • enhance adjusting ability (containing english, communication etc.)
  • risk management
  • balance between conservative and high-risk, high-return
  • buy low, sell high
  • be a pioneer of an emerging technology
  • review and rebalance periodically
  • recommended investment items
  • learn at least one new (programming) language every year
  • action item: start learning kotlin
  • read a technical book once a month
  • read nontechnical books
  • take online classes, conference, etc.
  • participate meet-ups - avoid isolation
  • experiment with diffrent environments
  • stay on top of the latest technology
  • cross-pollination → you can expand your mind, even if you don't use it.
  • don't stop when you face a question that you can't answer
  • use internet, mentor, etc. expand your personal network
  • beware of zealots dominated by a particular dogma.
  • apply the principles of pragmatism to the document as well Build Documentation In, Don’t Bolt It On Documentation created separately from code is less likely to be correct and up to date.

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