JaneliaSciComp / msg

Multiplexed Shotgun Genotyping
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Handle slashes (and other chars) in barcodes #32

Open gregpinero opened 12 years ago

gregpinero commented 12 years ago

Not so much a bug, as something we should fix.

If the name of an individual in the barcodes file contains a slash, then parts of msg interpret this as folder/file

e.g. CGCCTC A/A1 AAGGTT sbcy126 TCTGTC sbcy134

leads to the following error

parse_and_map.py: ERROR: Caught exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "/misc/local/msg/cmdline/cmdline.py", line 162, in run exit_code = self.main(*main_args) File "msg/parse_and_map.py", line 145, in main self.parse() File "msg/parse_and_map.py", line 321, in parse number_reads = count_lines(fastq_file)/4 File "/misc/local/msg/mapping_functions.py", line 26, in count_lines filename = open(count_file,'r') IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Sample_Inuez.fastq.gz.trim.fastq.gz_parsed/indivA/A1_CGCCTC' Error in python msg/parse_and_map.py -i Sample_Inuez.fastq.gz.trim.fastq.gz -b barcodes.txt --parent1 parent1_ref.fa --parent2 par ent2_ref.fa --parse-only --re_cutter MseI --linker_system Dros_SR_vII --bwa_alg aln --bwa_threads 8 --use_stampy 1 --stampy_premap _w_bwa 1 --indiv_stampy_substitution_rate 0.01 --indiv_mapq_filter 20 --index_file --index_barcodes --quality_trim_reads_thresh 0 --quality_trim_reads_consec 30: 256 at msg/Utils.pm line 19, <> line 1.

Not sure the best way to handle this. We could either 1 - Be clear in the instructions 2 - Catch these slashes before they are fed to msg 3 - ?